期刊論文1. | Fennema, Elizabeth H.、Sherman, Julia A.(1978)。Sex-related differences in mathematics achievement and related factors: A further study。Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,9(3),189-203。 |
2. | 吳靜吉、丁興祥、王敬仁、蘇宏林、戴禮明(19790600)。場地獨立性的發展及其相關因素之研究。教育與心理研究,3,118-140。 延伸查詢 |
3. | Boersma, F. J.(1968)。Test-retest reliability of the cf-1 Hidden Figures Test。Educational and Psychological Measurement,28(2),555-559。 |
4. | 洪志生(19810600)。我國國民中學學生科學能力之分析。國立臺灣師範大學教育研究所集刊,23,249-261。 延伸查詢 |
5. | 賈馥茗(19710600)。數學(題解)創造能力發展之實驗研究。國立臺灣師範大學教育研究所集刊,13,1-78。 延伸查詢 |
6. | 蔡碧璉(1982)。場地獨立/依賴、內外控取向與人際關係之研究。教育心理學研究,5,343-346。 延伸查詢 |
7. | 林淑玲、馬信行(19831200)。家庭社經背景對學前教育機會的影響及學前教育對小學學業成績的影響。教育與心理研究,6,19-39。 延伸查詢 |
8. | 陳淑美(19760600)。年級和家庭社會經濟水準與兒童分類行為之研究。教育心理學報,9,57-72。 延伸查詢 |
9. | 林生傳(19760100)。影響學業成就的社會環境因素分析與探討。高雄師院學報,4,167-205。 延伸查詢 |
10. | Satterly, D. J.(1976)。Cognitive Styles, Spatial Ability, and School Achievement。Journal of Educational Psychology,68(1),36-42。 |
11. | Lee, K. S.(1982)。Fourth-graders heuristic problem-solving behavior。Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,13(2),110-123。 |
12. | 林軍治(19831000)。國小兒童數學認知層次及其相關因素之分析與探討。花蓮師專學報,14,338-374。 延伸查詢 |
13. | 李銘正(19790400)。國民中、小學自然科學實驗課程對學生認知能力之影響。教育學院學報,4,左351-375。 延伸查詢 |
14. | Waber, D. P.(1977)。Biological Substrates of Field Dependence: Implications of the Sex Difference。Psychological Bulletin,84(6),1076-1087。 |
15. | Lawson, A. E.(1975)。Sex differences in concrete and formal reasoning ability as measured by manipulative tasks and written tasks。Sciences Education,59(3),300-405。 |
16. | 張春興(19750600)。小學自然科啟發式教學對兒童推理思考發展的影響。教育心理學報,8,11-24。 延伸查詢 |
17. | Wooleat, P. L.、Pedro, J. D.、Becker, J. D.、Fennema, E.(1980)。Sex differences in high school student's causal attributions of performance in mathematics。Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,11(5),365-366。 |
18. | Witkin, H. A.、Moore, C. A.、Goodenough, D. R.、Cox, P. W.(1977)。Field-dependent and field-independent cognitive styles and their educational implication。Review of Educational Research,47(1),1-64。 |
19. | Slavin, R. E.、Karweit, N. L.(1985)。Effects of whole class, ability grouped, and individualized instruction on mathematics achievement。American Educational Research Journal,22(3),351-367。 |
20. | Threadgill, J. A.(1979)。The relationship of field-independent/dependent cognitive style and two method of instruction in mathematics learning。Journal for Research Mathematics Education,10(3),219-222。 |
21. | Whitaker, D. R.(1982)。Mathematical problem solving performance as related to student and teacher attitudes。School Science and Mathematics,82(3),217-224。 |
22. | 吳幼妃(19800900)。社經地位、智力、性別及城鄉背景與兒童語言能力關係之研究。教育學刊,2,316-290。 延伸查詢 |
23. | 簡茂發(19800600)。教育研究的統計方法(2)--單因子變異數分析與多重比較法。國立臺灣師範大學教育研究所集刊,22,左1-18。 延伸查詢 |
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25. | 黃堅厚(1964)。瑞文氏非文字推理測驗之應用。測驗年刊,11,20-23。 延伸查詢 |
26. | 吳武典(1976)。文化貧乏對於學習的影響。教育論叢,2(1),395-417。 延伸查詢 |
27. | 石上博(1982)。文章題解決における思考過程。算數教育,290(3),85-89。 延伸查詢 |
28. | 向山節子(1982)。考えようとしない子どもヘの指導。算數教育,297(10),13-18。 延伸查詢 |
29. | 川平敏(1982)。考える意欲を促す指導のあり方。算數教育,297(10),19-25。 延伸查詢 |
30. | Barr, D. C.(1978)。A comparison of three methods of introducing two-digit numeration。Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,9,33-43。 |
31. | Bright, G. W.(1975)。Identification of embedded figures by primary grade children。School Science and Mathematics,75(6),535-541。 |
32. | Carry, L. R.(1981)。Interaction of general reasoning ability and processing strategies in geometry instruction。Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,12(1),15-26。 |
33. | Clements, R. R.(1982)。On the role of notation in the formulation of mathematical models。Int. J. Math. Educ. Sci. Technol.,13(5),543-549。 |
34. | Cook, C. J.(1982)。Basic fact thinking strategies for multiplication。Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,13(3),163-171。 |
35. | Cooney, T. J.(1981)。The effects of two strategies for teaching two mathematics。Education,12(3),220-225。 |
36. | Dossey, J. A.(1976)。The relative effectiveness of four strategies for teaching algebraic and geometric disjunctive concepts and for teaching inclusive and exclusive disjunctive concepts。Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,7(2),92-105。 |
37. | Eastman, P. M.(1977)。Interaction between structure of intellect factors and two methods of presenting concepts of logic。Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,8(5),379-381。 |
38. | Graybill, L.(1975)。Sex differences in problem solving ability。Journal of research in Science Teaching,12,341-346。 |
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40. | Kornbluth, J. A.(1982)。The effect of cognitive style and study Method on mathematical achievement of disadvantaged students。School Science and Mathematics,82(2),141-147。 |
41. | Meyer, R. A.(1978)。Mathematical problem-solving performance and intellectual abilities of fourth-grade children。Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,9(5),334-348。 |
42. | Moses, B.(1982)。Visualization: A different approach to problem solving。School Science and Mathematics,82(2),141-147。 |
43. | Mowder, B. H.(1977)。The effect of sex bias mathematics items on the performance of third and sixth grade students。Disser. Abstr,37(8A),4997A。 |
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47. | Plomin, R.、Foch, T. T.(1981)。Sex differerence and individual difference。Children Development,52,383-385。 |
48. | 高德鳳、蘇端端、陳彰儀(19751200)。國中學生場地獨立性與智力、性別、自我接受度三者的關係。中華心理學刊,17,頁105-108。 延伸查詢 |
49. | 林清山(19840500)。不同場地獨立性學生之空間關係能力、可暗示性及GSR活動的比較研究。教育心理學報,17,1-13。 延伸查詢 |
50. | Hilton, Thomas L.、Berglund, Gosta W.(1974)。Sex Differences in Mathematics Achievement: A Longitudinal Study。Journal of Educational Research,67(5),231-237。 |
51. | Hoffman, D. A.(1978)。Field independence and intelligence: Their relation to leadership and self-concept in sixth-grade boys。Journal of Educational Psychology,70(5),827-832。 |
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其他1. | Deo, P.(1978)。Acquisitions of algebraic concepts in the pupils of grades VI-VIII in relation to sex grades and intelligence。 |
2. | Wiesner, D. S.(1978)。Cognitive styles of information processing as related to academic achievement of third grade pupils。 |
3. | Benjamin, J. A.(1970)。A study of the social psychological factor related to the academic success of negro high school students。 |
4. | Carey, J. F. O.(1978)。The relationship between attitude toward school, sex, intelligence, and academic achievement。 |
5. | Case, N. C.(1978)。An investigation of the relationship of IQ level, ethnic background, and sex to divergent production in gifted fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students。 |
6. | Dockrell, W. B.(1960)。The relationship: between socioeconomic statum, intelligence and attainment in some Scottish primary school。 |
7. | Haynes, J. L.(1977)。The effects of speech disorganization upon Comprehension and knowledge。 |
8. | Hempei, J. A.(1981)。The effect of prior knowledge, piagetian level, attitude, sex, and teaching format on achievement, retertion, and transfer in informal elementary Geometry。 |
9. | Herning, J. G.(1977)。A multivariate analysis of the relationship ot field dependence-field independence cognitive style to learning of geographical concepts and information among college students。 |
10. | McBride, J. W.(1978)。The relationship between proportional thinking and achievement of selected science and mathematics concepts at the knowledge. Comprehension, and application levels。 |
11. | Mckay, L. R.(1979)。Sex differences in cognitive styles and mathematics achievement in fourth and eighth graders。 |
12. | Sabzevari, M. M.(1982)。The field-dependent, field-independent cognitive style dichotomy and second language learning: an aptitude treatment interaction study。 |
13. | Saltzen, J. A.(1982)。Sex differences in mathematics performance and the organization of instruction in the elementary school。 |
14. | Scheibner, R. M.(1970)。Field dependence-independence as basic variable in the measurement of interest and personality(No. 69-16, 291)。 |
15. | Schielack, V. P. Jr.(1982)。A Personalized System of Instruction Versus a Conventional Method in a Mathematics Course for Elementary Education Majors。 |
16. | Scott, M. C. V.(1977)。Ethnic differences in the impact of family background factors on level of education and college completion。 |
17. | Showalter, M. E.(1982)。Interactive effects between field-dependence-independence and level of instructional support in elementary probability for non-science college students。 |
18. | Stevens, P. C.(1982)。An investigation of sociocultural factors and mathematics performance of ninth grade general mathematics students。 |
19. | Urbanski, J. V.(1982)。The effects of four E strategies and the students relevant knowledge on the meaningful learning of a geometric concept。 |
20. | White, K. R.(1977)。The relationship between socioeconomic status and academic achievement。 |