

書刊名:「社群」研究的省思;陳文德, 黃應貴 (主編)
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1.Gupta, Akhil、Ferguson, James(1992)。Beyond 'Culture': Space, Identity, and the Politics of Difference。Cultural Anthropology,7(1),6-23。  new window
2.Freedman, Maurice(1963)。A Chinese Phase in Social Anthropology。The British Journal of Sociology,14(1),1-19。  new window
3.曹樹基(1999)。中國村落研究的東西方對話--評王銘銘《社區的歷程》。中國社會科學,115,119-133。  延伸查詢new window
4.曹樹基(2000)。學術研究與學術著作的評審--評王銘銘《村落視野中的文化與權力--閩台三村五論》。台灣宗教研究通訊,2,45-56。  延伸查詢new window
5.Appadurai, Arjun(1991)。Disjunctive and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy。Public Culture,2(2),1-24。  new window
6.Cohen, Anthony P.(1978)。Ethnographic Method in the Real Community。Sociologia Ruralis,18(1),1-22。  new window
7.Cohen, Anthony P.(1993)。Culture as Identity: An Anthropologist's View。New Literary History,24(1),195-209。  new window
8.Cole, John W.(1977)。Anthropology Comes Part-Way Home: Community Studies in Europe。Annual Review of Anthropology,6,349-378。  new window
9.Feuchtwang, Stephan、Wang, Ming-ming(1991)。The Politics of Culture or a Contest of Histories: Representations of Chinese Popular Religion。Dialectical Anthropology,16,251-272。  new window
10.Hillery, George A.(1955)。Definitions of Community: Areas of Agreement。Rural Sociology,20(1-4),111-123。  new window
11.Lewis, Hebert S.(1999)。The Misrepresentation of Anthropology and Its Consequences。American Anthropologist,100(3),716-731。  new window
12.Ortner, Shelly B.(1997)。Fieldwork in Postcommunity。Anthropology and Humanism,22(1),61-80。  new window
13.Stacey, Margaret(1969)。The Myth of Community Studies。The British Journal of Sociology,20(2),134-147。  new window
14.Turner, Jonathan H.、Dolch, Norman A.(1996)。Using Classical Theorists to Reconceptualize Community Dynamics。Research in Community Sociology,6,19-36。  new window
15.Wilson, Richard(1993)。Anchored Communities: Identity and History of the Maya-Q’eqchi’。Man (N.S),28(1),121-138。  new window
16.Thompson, E. P.(1977)。Folklore, Anthropology, and Social History。The Indian Historical Review,3(2),247-266。  new window
17.陳文德(19991200)。「族群」與歷史--以一個卑南族「部落」的形成為例(1929-)。東臺灣研究,4,123-158。new window  延伸查詢new window
18.Marcus, George E.(1995)。Ethnography in/of the world system: The emergence of multisited ethnography。Annual Review of Anthropology,24(1),95-117。  new window
19.Campbell, C. D.(2000)。Social structure, space, and sentiment: Searching for common ground in sociological conceptions of community。Research in Community Sociology,10,21-57。  new window
20.黃應貴(19780900)。農業機械化:一個臺灣中部農村的人類學研究。中央研究院民族學研究所集刊,46,31-78。  延伸查詢new window
21.Skinner, G. William(1964)。Marketing and Social Structure in Rural China。The Journal of Asian Studies,24(1),3-43。  new window
22.張珣(20020600)。祭祀圈研究的反省與後祭祀圈時代的來臨。國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊,58,78-111。new window  延伸查詢new window
23.王崧興(19911200)。臺灣漢人社會研究的反思。國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊,47,1-11。new window  延伸查詢new window
24.Alonso, Ana Maria(1988)。The effects of truth: Re-presentations of the past and the imagining of community。Journal of Historical Sociology,1(1),33-57。  new window
1.黃應貴(2000)。「『社群』研究的省思:跨世紀台灣人類學的展望之一」研討會計畫。  延伸查詢new window
1.Che, Wen-te(1998)。The Making of a “Community”: An Anthropological Study among the Puyuma of Taiwan(博士論文)。University of London。  new window
2.Chiu, Fred Y. L.(1981)。Periodic Markets and the Chinese Indigenous EconomicSystem(碩士論文)。University of Chicago。  new window
1.Herzfeld, Michael(1997)。Cultural Intimacy: Social Poetics in the Nation-State。Routledge。  new window
2.Sangren, P. Steven(2000)。Chinese Sociologies: An Anthropological Account of the Role of Alienation in Social Reproduction。The Athlone Press。  new window
3.Redfield, Robert(1930)。Tepoztlan, a Mexican village : a study of folk life。Chicago:The University of Chicago Press。  new window
4.費孝通(1987)。江村經濟--中國農民的生活。香港:中華書局香港分局。  延伸查詢new window
5.Gibson, Thomas(1986)。Sacrifice and Sharing in the Philippine Highlands: Religion and Society among the Buid of Mindoro。London:Athlone Press。  new window
6.費孝通(1996)。學術自述與反思:費孝通學術文集。北京:三聯書店。  延伸查詢new window
7.燕京大學社會學系(1936)。社會學界. 第九卷:紀念布朗教授來華講學特輯。燕京大學社會學系。  延伸查詢new window
8.Bell, Colin、Newby, Howard(1971)。Community Studies: An Introduction to the Sociology of the Local Community。London:George Allen & Unwin。  new window
9.Bernard, Jessie(1973)。The Sociology of Community。Glenview, Illinois:Scott, Foresman and Company。  new window
10.Carsten, Janet(1997)。The Heart of the Hearth: The Process of Kinship in a Malay Fishing Community。Oxford:Clarendon Press。  new window
11.Cohen, Anthony P.(1985)。The Symbolic Construction of Community。Tavistock Publications。  new window
12.Cohen, Anthony P.(1994)。Self Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity。London:Routledge。  new window
13.Cohen, Anthony P.(1982)。Belonging: Identity and Social Organisation in British Rural Cultures。Manchester:Manchester University Press。  new window
14.Crehan, Kate A. F.(1997)。The Fractured Community: Landscapes of Power and Gender in Rural Zambia。Berkeley:University of California Press。  new window
15.Delanty, Gerard(2002)。Community。London:Routledge。  new window
16.Dumont, Louis(1980)。Homo Hierarchicus: The Caste System and Its Implications。Chicago:The University of Chicago Press。  new window
17.Figueira-McDonough, Josefina(2001)。Community Analysis and Praxis: Toward a Grounded Civil Society。London:Routledge。  new window
18.Freeman, Derek(1970)。Reports on the Iban。London:The Athlone Press。  new window
19.Fustel de Goulanges, Numa Denis(1980)。The Ancient City: A Study on the Religion, Laws, and Institutions of Greece and Rome。Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press。  new window
20.Halperin, Rhoda H.(1998)。Practicing Community: Class Culture and Power in an Urban Neighborhood。Austin:University of Texas Press。  new window
21.Kuper, Adam(1996)。Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School。London:Routledge。  new window
22.Leach, Edmund R.(1965)。Political Systems of Highland Burma: A Study of Kachin Social Structure。Boston:Beacon Press。  new window
23.Macfarlane, Alan、Harrison, Sarah、Jardine, Charles(1977)。Reconstructing Historical Communities。London:New York:Cambridge University Press。  new window
24.Nisbet, Robert A.(1966)。The Sociological Tradition。New York:Basic Books。  new window
25.Nisbet, Robert A.(1976)。The Social Philosophers。Frogmore, St. Albans:Paladin。  new window
26.Nisbet, Robert A.、徐啓智、張承漢(1982)。西方社會思想史。台北:桂冠圖書公司。  延伸查詢new window
27.Redfield, Robert(1955)。The Little Community: Viewpoints for the Study of a Human Whole。Chicago:University of Chicago Press。  new window
28.Shepard, Alexandra、Withington, Phil(2000)。Communities in Early Modern England。Manchester:Manchester University Press。  new window
29.Strathern, Marilyn(1981)。Kinship at the Core: An Anthroplogy of Elmdon--A Village in North-West Essex in the Nineteen-Sixties。Cambridge:Cambridge University Press。  new window
30.Tönnies, Ferdinand(1988)。Community and Society。New Brunswick:Transaction Publishers。  new window
31.Evans-Pritchard, E. E.(1940)。The Nuer: A Description of the Modes of Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic People。Oxford University Press。  new window
32.Auge, M.(1995)。Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity。London。  new window
33.Geertz, Clifford(1973)。The interpretation of cultures。New York:Harper & Row。  new window
34.王銘銘(1997)。社會人類學與中國研究。北京:生活.讀書.新知三聯書店。  延伸查詢new window
35.Williams, Raymond(1976)。Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society。Oxford University Press。  new window
36.蔡宏進(1985)。社區原理。台北:三民書局。  延伸查詢new window
37.Duara, Prasenjit、王福明(1994)。文化、權力與國家--1900-1942年的華北農村。南京:江蘇人民出版社。  延伸查詢new window
38.丁元竹(1995)。社區研究的理論與方法。北京:北京大學出版社。  延伸查詢new window
39.Bauman, Z.(2001)。Community: Seeking Safety in an Insecure World。Polity Press。  new window
40.林淑雅(20000000)。第一民族:臺灣原住民族運動的憲法意義。臺北:前衛出版社。new window  延伸查詢new window
41.Redfield, Robert(1956)。Peasant Society and Culture: An Anthropological Approach to civilization。Chicago, Illinois:University of Chicago Press。  new window
42.陳其南(1987)。臺灣的傳統中國社會。允晨。new window  延伸查詢new window
43.楊雅彬(2001)。近代中國社會學。北京:中國社會科學出版社。  延伸查詢new window
44.Tönnies, Ferdinand、Harris, Jose、Hollis, Margaret(2001)。Community and Civil Society。Cambridge University Press。  new window
45.王銘銘(20000000)。社會人類學。臺北:五南。new window  延伸查詢new window
46.Sangren, Paul Steven(1987)。History and Magical Power in a Chinese Community。Stanford University Press。  new window
47.Anderson, Benedict(1991)。Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism。Verso。  new window
48.Wolf, Eric R.(1982)。Europe and the People without History。University of California Press。  new window
1.Sangren, P. Steven(1996)。Stephan Feuchtwang, The Imperial Metaphor: Popular Religion in China。  new window
1.Ward, Barbara E.(1965)。Varieties of the Conscious Model: The Fishermen of South China。The Relevance of Models for Social Anthropology。London, UK:Tavistock Publications。  new window
2.Harris, C. C.(1990)。Reflections on Family, Economy, and Community。Family, Economy and Community。Cardiff:University of Wales Press。  new window
3.Sather, Clifford(1993)。Posts, hearths and thresholds: the Iban longhouse as a ritual structure。Inside Austronesian houses: perspectives on domestic designs for living。Canberra:The Australian National University。  new window
4.Wolf, Arthur P.(1974)。[Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society]Introduction。Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society。Stanford:Stanford University Press。  new window
5.王崧興(1992)。漢學與中國人類學--以家族與聚落形態的研究為例。建設中國人類學。上海:三聯書店。  延伸查詢new window
6.吳文藻(1990)。現代社區實地研究的意義和功用。人類學社會學研究文集。北京:民族出版社。  延伸查詢new window
7.施堅雅(2000)。[中華帝國晚期的城市]前言。中華帝國晚期的城市。北京:中華書局。  延伸查詢new window
8.費孝通(1996)。重讀《江村經濟‧序言》。社區研究與社會發展:紀念費孝通教授學術活動60週年文集。天津:天津人民出版社。  延伸查詢new window
9.費孝通(2001)。留英記。師承、補課、治學。北京:三聯書店。  延伸查詢new window
10.Amit, Vered(2002)。Reconceptualizing Community。Realizing Community: Concepts, Social Relationships and Sentiments。London:Routledge。  new window
11.Cohen, Anthony P.(1982)。Belonging: The Experience of Culture。Belonging: Identity and Social Organisation in British Rural Cultures。Manchester:Manchester University Press。  new window
12.Cohen, Anthony P.(2002)。The "Best of British"--with More to Come。British Subjects: An Anthropology of Britain。Oxford:Berg。  new window
13.Cohen, Anthony P.(2002)。[Realizing Community: Concepts, Social Relationships and Sentiments] Epilogue。Realizing Community: Concepts, Social Relationships and Sentiments。London:Routledge。  new window
14.Dumont, Louis(1970)。For a Sociology of India。Religion/Politics and History in India: Collected Papers in Indian Sociology。The Hague:Mouton Publishers。  new window
15.Feuchtwang, Stephan(1991)。A Chinese Religion Exists。An Old State in New Settings: Studies in the Social Anthropology of China in Memory of Maurice Freedman。Oxford:JASO。  new window
16.Gupta, Akhil、Ferguson, James(1997)。Culture, Power, Place: Ethnography at the End of Era。Culture, Power, Place: Explorations in Critical Anthropology。Durham:Duke University Press。  new window
17.Gupta, Akhil、Ferguson, James(1997)。Discipline and Practice: "The Field" as Site, Method, and Location in Anthropology。Anthropological Locations: Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science。Berkeley, CA:University of California Press。  new window
18.Hastrup, Kristen、Olwig, Karen Fog(1997)。[Siting Culture: The Shifting Anthropological Subject] Introduction。Siting Culture: The Shifting Anthropological Subject。London:Routledge。  new window
19.Larson, Booke(1995)。Andean Communities, Political Cultures, and Markets: The Changing Contours of a Field。Ethnicity, Markets, and Migration in the Andes: At the Crossroads of History and Anthropology。Durham:Duke University Press。  new window
20.Marcus, George E.(1992)。Past, Present and Emergent Identities: Requirements for Ethnographies of Late Twenentieth-Century Modernity Worldwide。Modernity and Identity。Oxford:Blackwell。  new window
21.Olwig, Karen Fog(1997)。Cultural Sites: Sustaining a Home in a Deterritorialized World。Siting Culture: The Shifting Anthropological Subject。London:Routledge。  new window
22.Rapport, Nigel(1996)。Community。Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology。London:New York:Routledge。  new window
23.Sather, Clifford(1996)。“All Threads are White”: Iban Egalitarianism Reconsidered。Origins, Ancestry and Alliance: Explorations in Austronesian Ethnography。Canberra:The Australian National University。  new window
24.Schneider, David M.(1979)。Kinship, Community, and Locality in American Culture。Kinship and Communities。Washington, D. C.:Smithsonian Institution Press。  new window
25.Strathern, Marilyn(1984)。The Social Meanings of Localism。Locality and Rurality: Economy and Society in Rural Regions。Norwich:Geo Books。  new window
26.Fardon, Richard(1990)。Localizing Strategies: The Regionalization of Ethnographic Accounts。Localizing Strategies: Regional Traditions of Ethnographic Writing。Edinburgh:Scottish Academic Press。  new window
27.費孝通(1998)。略談我學習和研究中國社會學與人類學的經歷和體會。社會學、人類學在中國的發展。香港:香港中文大學新亞書院。  延伸查詢new window
28.Freedman, Maurice(1974)。On the Sociological Study of Chinese Religion。Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society。Stanford University Press。  new window
29.Strathern, M.(1982)。The Village as an Idea: Constructs of Village-ness in Elmdon, Essex。Belonging: Identity and Social Organization in British Rural Cultures。Manchester:Manchester University Press。  new window
30.王銘銘(1997)。村落視野中的家族、國家與社會--福建美法村的社區史。鄉土社會的秩序、公正與權威。北京:中國政法大學。  延伸查詢new window
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