

作者(外文):Yen, Fang-huiHsu, Min-tao
主題關鍵詞:急性心肌梗塞生病經驗女性解釋性互動論Acute myocardial infarctionIllness experienceWomenInterpretative interactionism
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     Purpose sampling methods were used to recruit 17 participants from a medical center in southern Taiwan. Data were collected via participant observations and interviews, with an emphasis on following Denzin's interpretative interactionism principles. Interviews were audiotaped and transcribed and the texts analyzed using constant comparative methodology. Three themes and twelve subthemes were identified. The first theme, "have something wrong" embraced six subthemes associated with body symptom awareness and diagnosis. The second theme, "am a patient" included three subthemes tied to patient roles and making use of rational strategies to maintain stability and self within a complex medical system. The last theme, "can still be myself" included three subthemes connected with the struggle to return to old roles and functions to overcome limitations. The findings offer a picture of Taiwanese women's illness experiences that can be used by medical and nursing school professional to increase awareness of special needs among female patients.
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