

書刊名:國文學報. 高師大
作者:許宗興 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsu, Chung-hsing
主題關鍵詞:朱子晚年宗說方法論Chu HsiWan Nien Tsung ShuoMethodology
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This study aims to probe into the methodology of Chu Hsi doctrine. Since Chu Hsi had a long life and spent most of the time on academic activities, his works on doctrine were rich. Thus, Chu Hsi doctrines were diverse and the interpretations were various, making it difficult to define the historic position of Chu Hsi.In order to solve this problem, the scholars had the discussion of ”Wan Nien Tsung Shuo”; however, they neither validated the importance on study of Chu Hsi, nor suggested the related data and the specific content. This paper presents the importance of ”Wan Nien Tsung Shuo” in Chu Hsi doctrine research, and further suggests the Chu His' works which can be adopted to study ”Wan Nien Tsung Shuo” as follows: (1) those indicating years; (2) the time was from Chu Hsi at 60 years old to his death; (3) those directly discussing Chu Hsi's doctrines; (4) those with questions & responses and daily expression; (5) the subjects of questions & responses were Chu Hsi's disciples. The only qualified work is ”Hsun Men Jen” of ”Chu Hsi Word Category”, Volume 113-120. These eight volumes are the best materials to study Chu Hsi's ”Wan Nien Tsung Shuo”.This paper explores the content of ”Chu Hsi Wan Nien Tsung Shuo” by the framework of life realization, such as current theory, value theory, mind nature theory, ontology, practice theory, state theory, theory of expression of benevolent rule, etc. However, this paper only probes into methodology, and the exploration on the categories will rely on further research.
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