

作者:陳祥水 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Hsiang-shui
主題關鍵詞:屏南村地方政治派系政黨Pinnan villageLocal politicsFactionPolitical party
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     本文除了探討屏東縣屏南村早期地方派系的活動外,也論及近年來民進黨在該村 所產生的影響力。主要的發現有:1. 親屬 (父方及母方 )、地緣及宗教信仰等傳統因素在地 方選舉依舊是很重要的,2. 派系的分界已較前為模糊,取而代之的是政黨問的角力,3. 民 進黨在本村的影響力遠勝過國民黨,4. 婦女日漸積極地參與政治活動。
     In this paper the author explores the early activities of local political factions in Pinnan Village, and discusses the influence the DPP (Democratic Progressive Party) has exerted in the village during recent years. The findings can be briefly summarized as follows: 1. Traditional factors such as kinship, district (village), and religion are still very important; 2. The influence offactions and factionalism has been gradually replaced by that of the political parties; 3. The DPP has much stronger influence in the village than the KMT; 4. Women are more actively involved in these political activities than before.
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