

集叢:臺灣法學文庫系列 : 碩士論文;1
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1.鍾道詮(19980700)。男同志從事HIV檢驗經驗的研究。性別與空間研究室通訊,5,239-249。  延伸查詢new window
2.朱元鴻(19980600)。娼妓研究的另類提問。臺灣社會研究,30,1-34。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.孟維駛(19831200)。同性戀的違法性。警學叢刊,14(2)=54,41-44。new window  延伸查詢new window
4.廖元豪(20000100)。歐洲人權公約對平等權之保障--以歐洲人權法院判決為中心。憲政時代,25(3),83-98。  延伸查詢new window
5.魚玄阿璣、鄭美里(19970200)。幸福正在逼近--臺灣同性戀社會史的初步回顧。聯合文學,13(4)=148,89-95。  延伸查詢new window
6.何春蕤(19980900)。從左翼到酷異:美國同性戀運動的「酷兒化」。性/別研究,3/4,260-299。  延伸查詢new window
7.洪雅琴(19960600)。同性戀者自我認同發展歷程的探討。諮商與輔導,126,17-20。  延伸查詢new window
8.王志弘(19940300)。速度的性政治:穿越移動能力的性別界分。臺灣社會研究,16,147-165。new window  延伸查詢new window
9.朱偉誠(19980600)。臺灣同志運動的後殖民思考:論「現身」問題。臺灣社會研究,30,35-62。  延伸查詢new window
10.賴麒中(19980700)。性傾向與就業歧視之探討。性別與空間研究室通訊,5,211-237。  延伸查詢new window
11.Hant,Morton、黑潮(19820900)。同性戀的原因。健康世界,81,頁83-90。  延伸查詢new window
12.齊天小聖、魚玄阿璣、喀飛、沙啞、漂亮(19970100)。牲禮英雄或戰略家--「現身」於現階段臺灣同志運動的發展及其意義。騷動,3,45-51。  延伸查詢new window
13.石元康(19980300)。道德、法律與社群--哈特[H.L.A. Hart]與德弗林[Patrick Devlin]的論辯。當代,9=127,30-43。  延伸查詢new window
14.黃昭元(20000100)。「國軍老舊眷村改建條例」的合憲性--司法院釋字第四八五號解釋評析。臺灣本土法學雜誌,6,19-38。  延伸查詢new window
15.林昭溶(19931200)。從家庭制度看同性戀婚姻。德育學報,9,85-91。  延伸查詢new window
16.劉幸義(19971100)。同性戀--法學上空白的一頁。月旦法學,30,30-35。new window  延伸查詢new window
17.劉靜怡(19971100)。同性戀者之憲法平等權保障--以美國聯邦最高法院Romer V. Evans判決為核心。月旦法學,30,35-48+49。new window  延伸查詢new window
18.房樹生(19940700)。同性戀是天生遺傳嗎?。科學月刊,25(7)=295,522-528。  延伸查詢new window
19.蘇稚盈(19970600)。同性戀形成的生理基礎。科學月刊,28(6)=330,500-506。  延伸查詢new window
20.(1985)。The Constitutional Status of Sexual Orientation: Homosexuality As a Suspect Classification。HARV. L. REV.,98,1285。  new window
21.Karst, Kenneth L.(1995)。Myths of Identity: Individual and Group Portraits of Race and Sexual Orientation。UCLA L. REV.,43,263。  new window
22.許福生(19990300)。無被害人犯罪與除罪化之探討。中央警察大學學報,34,287-315。new window  延伸查詢new window
23.陳皎眉、鄧文章(19970100)。玻璃圈內的世界。學生輔導,48,18-25。  延伸查詢new window
24.陳秀容(19970600)。近代人權觀念的轉變:一個社會生態觀點的分析。人文及社會科學集刊,9(2),101-132。new window  延伸查詢new window
25.廖元豪(19960800)。美國「種族優惠性差別待遇」(Racial Affirmative Action)合憲性之研究--兼論平等原則之真義。東吳法律學報,9(2),1-44。new window  延伸查詢new window
26.廖國寶(19980700)。男大當婚--男同志的婚姻壓力。性別與空間研究室通訊,5,157-182。  延伸查詢new window
27.G&L熱愛雜誌社(1997)。解嚴十年,台北市開始戒嚴?常德街事件特別報導。G&L熱愛雜誌,9,28。  延伸查詢new window
28.小屋(1998)。同性戀恐懼症的典型八問。人本教育札記,108,16-21。  延伸查詢new window
29.文榮光(1986)。同性戀的定義及現代心裡學對同性戀的看法。聯合文學,2(3),14。  延伸查詢new window
30.王皓薇(1997)。不要交出遙控器:同志要有「現身」自主權。騷動雜誌,3,52。  延伸查詢new window
31.白先勇(1986)。不是「孽子」:寫給阿青的一封信。人間雜誌,1(7),42。  延伸查詢new window
32.卡維波(19970600)。什麼是酷兒[Queer]﹖。騷動,4,73-81。  延伸查詢new window
33.吳寧馨(1998)。看見同志。人本教育札記,99,12-15。  延伸查詢new window
34.吳瑞元(19970600)。在情慾的視野中發現同性情慾歷史--情慾歷史的特色與古代同性情慾歷史的建構。史匯,2,81-102。new window  延伸查詢new window
35.吳瑞元(19970600)。正在創造的歷史--介紹臺灣現代同志情慾運動。史匯,2,103-107。new window  延伸查詢new window
36.周倩琦(1997)。絕地關係、終極運動:同志伴侶經驗、主體建構與運動思惟。騷動雜誌,3,38。  延伸查詢new window
37.林賢修(1998)。光屁股戰術:從公娼抗爭看同性戀運動。騷動雜誌,5,55。  延伸查詢new window
38.林賢修(1997)。同志運動的無頭公案。騷動雜誌,4,62。  延伸查詢new window
39.林立樹(19950700)。一九五0年代美國同性戀團體理念與發展之探討。輔仁學誌. 文學院之部,24,57-71。  延伸查詢new window
40.李孟玢(19950600)。論國際人權法之平等原則與非歧視原則。輔仁法學,14,63-93。new window  延伸查詢new window
41.D'Emilio, John、舒詩偉(1993)。資本主義與同性戀認同。島嶼邊緣,2(2),116。  延伸查詢new window
42.D'Emilio, John、舒詩偉(1993)。資本主義與同性戀認同。島嶼邊緣,2(3),126。  延伸查詢new window
43.莊輝濤(19980900)。平等權與開放的社會階層體系。思與言,36(3),129-160。new window  延伸查詢new window
44.陳啟迪(19790100)。同性戀的法律問題。法律評論,45(1),11-14。  延伸查詢new window
45.陳清雲(19960400)。我國憲法上平等權功能之探討。立法院院聞,24(4)=276,27-35。  延伸查詢new window
46.紅水鮮、紀小尾、蛋糖饃(1994)。小小酷兒百科。島嶼邊緣,3(2),47。  延伸查詢new window
47.陳志全(19951000)。平等原則之合理差別基準--兼論釋字二一一號解釋與釋字二二四號解釋。法律評論,61(9/10)=1319,19-24。  延伸查詢new window
48.陳愛娥(19970100)。自由-平等-博愛--社會國原則與法治國原則的交互作用。國立臺灣大學法學論叢,26(2),121-141。new window  延伸查詢new window
49.許大可(1986)。一個同性戀的形成。人間雜誌,1(7),36。  延伸查詢new window
50.湯偉祥(19960400)。大法官會議功能之研究--憲法解釋與平等權。中華法學,6,113-144。  延伸查詢new window
51.孫瑞穗(19950900)。「何謂性別歧視的空間?」。性別與空間研究室通訊,1,5-19。  延伸查詢new window
52.歐廣南(19970600)。論「平等權」。復興崗學報,60,128-157。new window  延伸查詢new window
53.葛應欽(19930400)。同性戀與愛滋病。科學月刊,24(4)=280,253-256。  延伸查詢new window
54.黃沙(1986)。斷袖的青春:關於「青少年同性戀行為」的特寫。人間雜誌,1(7),20。  延伸查詢new window
55.葉美瑤(19970200)。愛情與性別:一個社會學的觀點--專訪孫中興。聯合文學,13(4)=148,96-99。  延伸查詢new window
56.蔡達智(19980400)。基因資訊與平等權的保護。法學叢刊,43(2)=170,95-107。new window  延伸查詢new window
57.鄭美里(1998)。我們的兒子是同性戀,我們以他為榮!。人本教育札記,108,46-51。  延伸查詢new window
58.楊欽(1986)。超越在障礙與挫折之外:專家學者剖析「同性戀」現象。人間雜誌,1(7),32。  延伸查詢new window
59.誠品閱讀編輯部(1994)。人文藝術專題:同性戀。誠品閱讀雜誌,17,18。  延伸查詢new window
60.顏厥安(19970600)。自由與倫理--由代理孕母的合法化問題談價值命題的論證。政大法學評論,57,225-239。new window  延伸查詢new window
61.Glenney, Jeff、蕭富山。愛滋病:隱私權之危機。司法周刊,496。  延伸查詢new window
62.Glenney, Jeff、蕭富山。愛滋病:隱私權之危機。司法周刊,497。  延伸查詢new window
63.Glenney, Jeff、蕭富山。愛滋病:隱私權之危機。司法周刊,498。  延伸查詢new window
64.Glenney, Jeff、蕭富山。愛滋病:隱私權之危機。司法周刊,499。  延伸查詢new window
65.Glenney, Jeff、蕭富山。愛滋病:隱私權之危機。司法周刊,500。  延伸查詢new window
66.Glenney, Jeff、蕭富山。愛滋病:隱私權之危機。司法周刊,501。  延伸查詢new window
67.鍾文良、程開昔(19870900)。愛滋病與同性戀的社會學分析。聯合月刊,74,72-77。  延伸查詢new window
68.Abrams, Kathryn(1997)。The Supreme Court, Visibility, and the "Politics of Presence"。VANDE. L. REV.,50,411。  new window
69.Adams, William E. Jr.(1996)。Whose Family Is It Anyway? The Continuing Struggle for Lesbians and Gay Men Seeking to Adopt Children。New Eng. L. Rev.,30。  new window
70.Adams, William E. Jr.(1994)。Pre-Election Anti-Gay Ballot Initiative Challenges: Issues of Electoral Fairness, Majoritarian Tyranny, and Direct Democracy。Ohio L. J.,55,583。  new window
71.Alt, Robert D.(1997)。Toward Equal Protection: A Review of Affirmative Action。WAS. L. J.,36,179。  new window
72.Appiah, K. Anthony(2000)。Stereotypes and the Shaping of Identity。Cal. L. Rev.,88,41。  new window
73.Backer, Larry Catá(1996)。Constructing a 'Homosexual' for Constitutional Theory: Sodomy Narrative, Jurisprudence, and Antipathy in United States and British Courts。Tulane L. Rev.,71,529。  new window
74.Ball, Carlos A.、Pea, Janice Farrell(1998)。Warring With Wardle: Morality, Social Science, and Gay and Lesbian Parents。U. Ill. L. Rev.,1998,253。  new window
75.Ball, Carlos A.(2000)。Communitarianism and Gay Rights。Cornell L. Rev.,85,443。  new window
76.Beane, Amanda J.(2001)。One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Vasquez v. Hawthorne Wrongly Denied Washington's Meretricious Relationship Doctrine to Same-sex Couples。Wash. L. Rev.,76,475。  new window
77.Benjacob, Mikol(1998)。Is Their 'I Do' Good Enough For You?--The Unconstitutionally of DOMA Section 2。Am. J. Fam. L.,12,176。  new window
78.Burton, Anne M.(1995)。Gay Marriage--A Modern Proposal: Applying Baehr v. Lewin to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights。Ind. J. Glo. Stu.,3。  new window
79.Broz, Alycia N.(1998)。Nabozny v. Podlesny: A Teenager's Struggle to End Anti-Gay Violence in Public Schools。Nw U. L. Rev.,92,750。  new window
80.Brems, Eva(1997)。MARSCHALL。COLUM. J. E. L.,4,1343。  new window
81.Bosquet, Elizabeth Erin(2000)。Contextualizing and Analyzing Alabama's Approach to Gay and Lesbian Custody Rights。ALA. L. Rev.,51。  new window
82.Calhoun, Cheshire(1995)。Sexuality Injustice。Notre Dame J. L. Ethics & Pub. Pol'y,9,241。  new window
83.Cain, Patricia A.(1993)。Litigating for Lesbian and Gay Rights: A Leagl History。Va. L. Rev.,79,1551。  new window
84.Cabral, Pedro(1998)。A Step Closer to Substantive Equality。E. L. Rev.,23,481。  new window
85.Butler, Judith(2000)。Appearances Aside。Cal. L. Rev.,88,55。  new window
86.Campbell, Angus、Norrie, Kenneth(1998)。Homosexual Rights in Romer v. Evans: Animus Averted。Ang-Ame. L. Rev.,285。  new window
87.Carbado, Devon W.(2000)。Straight Out of the Closet。Berkeley Women's L. J.,15,76。  new window
88.Carolan, Bruce(1999)。An Army of Lovers? Queering the Ministry of Defence Report of the Homosexual Policy Assessment Team。Tulsa L. J.,34,555。  new window
89.Carpenter, Dale(2001)。A Conservative defense of Romer v. Evans。Ind. L. J.,76,403。  new window
90.Catania, David A.(1994)。The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Sodomy Laws: A Federal Common Law Right to Privacy for Homosexuals Based on Customary International Law。Am. Crim. L. Rev.,31,289。  new window
91.Chambers, David L.(1996)。What If? The Legal Consequences of Marriage and the Legal Needs of Lesbian and Gay Male Couples。Mich. L. Rev.,95,447。  new window
92.Chamber, David L.、Homer, Steven K.(1997)。Honesty, Privacy, and Shame: When Gay People Talk about Other Gay People to Nongay People。Mich. J. Gender & Law,4,255。  new window
93.Connor, Tim(1998)。Community Discrimintation Law: No Right to Equal Treatment in Employment in Respect of Sex Partner。E. L. Rev.,23,378。  new window
94.Colker, Ruth(1997)。Sexual Orientation: Militarism, Moralism, and Capitalism。Hastings L. J.,48,1201。  new window
95.Coles, Matthew(1994)。Equal Protection and the Anti-Civil-Rights Initiatives: Protecting the Ability of Lesbians and Gay Men to Bargain in the Pluralist Bazzar。Ohio L. J.,55,563。  new window
96.Coles, Matthew(1997)。The Meaning of Romer v. Evans。Hastings L. J.,48,1343。  new window
97.Cole, David、Eskridge, William N. Jr.(1994)。From Hand-holding to Sodomy: First Amendment Protection of Homosexual (Expressive) Conduct。Harv. C.-R. L. L. Rev.,29。  new window
98.Coombs, Mary(2001)。Insiders and outsiders: What the American Law Institute has done for Gay and Lesbian Families。Duke J. Gender L. & Pol'y,8,87。  new window
99.Cruz, David B.(1999)。Controlling Desires: Sexual Orientation Conversion and the Limits of Knowledge and Law。S. Cal. L. Rev.,72,1297。  new window
100.Cruz, David B.(2001)。"Just Don't Call It Marriage": The First Amendment and Marriage as an Expressive Resource。S. Cal. L. Rev.,74,925。  new window
101.Culhane, John G.(1998)。BOOK REVIEW: SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND HUMAN RIGHTS: The United States Constitution, the European Convention, and the Canadian Charter. By Robert Wintemute。Wis. Int'l L. J.,16,579。  new window
102.Currah, Paisley(1997)。Defending Genders: Sex and Gender Nonconformity in the Civil Rights Strategies of Sexual Minorities。HASTINGS L. J.,48,1363。  new window
103.Dripps, Donald A.(1995)。Bowers v. Hardwick and the Law of Standing: Noncases Make Bad Law。Emory L. J.,44,1417。  new window
104.Dubnoff, Caren G.(1997)。Romer v. Evans: A Legal and Political Analysis。Law & Inequality,15,215。  new window
105.Duncan, Dwight G.(1996)。Parading the First Amendment Through the Streets of South Boston。New Eng. L. Rev.,30。  new window
106.Duncan, William C.(2001)。Domestic Partnership laws in the United States: A Review and Critique。B. Y. U. L. Rev.,2001,961。  new window
107.Eckols, Linda S.(1999)。The Marriage Mirage: The Personal and Social Identity Implications of Same-Gender Matrimony。Mich. J. Gender & Law,5,353。  new window
108.Emmett, William Mason(1997)。Queer Conflict: Mediating Parenting Disputes Within the Gay Community。Geo. L. J.,86,433。  new window
109.Eskridge, William N. Jr.(1992)。A Social Constructionist Critique of Posner's Sex and Reason: Steps Toward a Gaylegal Agenda。Yale L. J.,102,333。  new window
110.Eskridge, William N. Jr.(1997)。Outsider-Insiders: The Academy of the Closet。Chi-Kent L. Rev.,71。  new window
111.Eskridge, William N. Jr.(1997)。Democracy, Kulturkampf, and the Apartheid of the Closet。Vande. L. Rev.,50,419。  new window
112.Eskridge, William N. Jr.(1997)。A Jurisprudence of "Coming Out": Religion, Homosexuality, and Collisions of Liberty and Equality in American Public Law。Yale L. J.,106,2411。  new window
113.Eskridge, William N. Jr.(1993)。A History of Same-Sex Marriage。Va. L. Rev.,79,1419。  new window
114.Eskridge, William N. Jr.(2000)。Comparative law and the Same-Sex Marriage Debate: A Step-by-Step Approach to State Recognition。McGeo. L. Rev.,31,1327。  new window
115.Eskridge, William N. Jr.(2000)。No Promo Homo: The Sedimentation of Antigay Discourse and the Channeling effect of Judicial Review。N. Y. U. L. Rev.,75,1327。  new window
116.Eskridge, William N. Jr.(1999)。Multivocal prejudices and Homo Equality。IND. L. J.,74,1085。  new window
117.Eskridge, William N. Jr.(1997)。Challenging the Apartheid of the Closet: Establishing Conditions for Lesbian and Gay intimacy, Nomos, and Citizenship 1961-1981。Hofstra L. Rev.,25,817。  new window
118.Eskridge, William N. Jr.(1997)。Privacy Jurisprudence and the Apartheid of the Closet, 1946-1961。Flo. St. U. L. Rev.,24。  new window
119.Fernbach, David(1998)。Biology and Gay Identity。New Left Rev.,228,47。  new window
120.Fellows, Mary Louise(1998)。Committed Partners and Inheritance: An Empirical Study。L. & Ineq.,16,1。  new window
121.Feldblum, Chai R.(1996)。Sexual Orientation, Morality, and the Law: Devlin Revisited。U. Pitt. L. Rev.,57,237。  new window
122.Farabee, Lisa M.(1996)。Marriage, Equal Protection, and New Judicial Federalism: A View from the States。Yale L. & Pol'y. Rev.,14,237。  new window
123.Finnis, John M.(1995)。Law, Morality, and 'Sexual Orientation'。Notre Dame J. L. Ethics & Pub. Pol'y,9,11。  new window
124.Finnis, John M.(1997)。The Good of Marriage and the Morality of Sexual Relations: Some Philosophical and Historical Observations。Am. J. Jur.,42,97。  new window
125.Flagg, Barbara J.(1998)。'Animus' and Moral Disapproval: A Comment on Romer v. Evans。Minn. L. Rev.,82,833。  new window
126.Fletcher, George(1996)。The Case for Tolerance。SOCIAL PHIL. & Pol'y,13,229。  new window
127.Franke, Katherine M.(1997)。Homosexuals, Torts, and Dangerous Things。Yale L. J.,106,2661。  new window
128.Goldberg, Suzanne B.(1994)。Facing the Challenge: A Lawyer's Response to Anti-Gay Initiatives。Ohio L. J.,55,665。  new window
129.Gold, Michael N.(1998)。The Baehr Facts: A Review of Baehr v. Lewin。U. Penn. J. Consti'l L.。  new window
130.Gewirtzman, Doni(1998)。Make Your Own Kind of Music: Queer Student Groups and the First Amendment。Cal. L. Rev.,86,1131。  new window
131.George, Robert P.(1997)。Public Reason and Political Conflict: Abortion and Homosexuality。Yale L. J.,106,2411。  new window
132.Friedman, Lawrence、Baron, Charles H.(2001)。Baker v. State and the Promise of the New Judicial Federalism。B. C. L. Rev.,43,125。  new window
133.Green, Roger Craig(1999)。Equal Protection and the Status of Stereotypes。YALE L. J.,108,1885。  new window
134.Green, Roger Craig(1998)。Interest Definition in Equal Protection: A Study of Judicial Technique。Yale L. J.,108,439。  new window
135.Graham, Kathy T.(2001)。How the ALI Child Custody Principles help eliminate Gender and Sexual orientation Bias from Child Custody Determinations。Duke J. Gender L. & Pol'y,8,323。  new window
136.Graglia, Lino A.(2001)。Single-Sex "Marriage": The Role of the Courts。B. Y. U. L. Rev.,2001,1013。  new window
137.Goodman, Ryan(2001)。Beyond the Enforcement Principle: Sodomy Laws, Social Norms, and Social Panoptics。Cal. L. Rev.,89,643。  new window
138.Greenawalt, Kent(1997)。Prescriptive Equality: Two Steps Forward。Harv. L. Rev.,110,1265。  new window
139.Griffin, Gwendolyn(1998)。Understanding Heterosexism--the Subtle Continnum of Homophobia。Women & Language,21,33。  new window
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