

作者(外文):Sae-Chen, Joseffin
主題關鍵詞:1919年五四運動江蘇省教育會北京大學申報1919May Fourth MovementKiangsu Provincial Educational AssociationPeking UniversityShen-pao
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This thesis looks at the role of the Shanghai Kiangsu Provincial Educational Association (江蘇省教育會) during the early period of the May Fourth Movement (五四運動). Shortly after the 1911 Revolution and before 1919, China was separated into the north and south regions. During the time, the Kiangsu Provincial Educational Association increased more and more its influence in Peking. Supported by the Association, Ts'ai Yuan-p'ei (蔡元培), President of Peking University, and Fu Tseng-siang (傅增湘), Minister for Education Department, both resigned after the May Fourth Event. Their departure frustrated seriously the development of influence in the North China by the Kiangsu Provincial Educational Association. The leaders of the Association made instead the use of telegrams and mass media, and tried their best to instigate public opinion in support of the students' movement in order to overcome the increasing power of the Ann-fu Clique (安福系). The Chinese political authorities in the north and south competed with each other during that time, driving the direction and development of the May Fourth Movement. In conclusion, the main point of this thesi s is to emphasize the point that the scholars have to investigate into the role of the Kiangsu Provincial Educational Association. Otherwise, we can never tell the whole story of the May Fourth Movement.
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