| 期刊論文1. | Johnstone, D. B.(2004)。The Economics and Politics of Cost Sharing in Higher Education: Comparative Perspective。Economics of Education Review,23,403-410。 | 2. | Mac Williams, B.(2001)。In Russia, a loan program vanishes, leaving students scrambling。The Chronicle of Higher Education,48(15),21-35。 | 3. | Jensen, E. L.(1981)。Student financial aid and persistence in college。Journal of Higher Education,52(3),280-294。 | 4. | Johnstone, D. B.(2003)。Cost Sharing in Higher Education: Tuition, Financial Assistance, and Accessibility in a Comparative Perspective。Czech Sociological Review,39(3),351-374。 | 5. | Johnstone, D. B.(2004)。Cost-sharing and Equity in Higher Education: Implications of Income Contingent Loans。Higher Education and Markets,3,1-24。 | 6. | Miller, E. I.(1997)。Parent’s views on the value of a college education and how they will pay for it。Journal of Student Financial Aid,27(1),20。 | 7. | 彭森明(20050900)。臺灣高等教育應如何進一步落實公平化的理念?。教育研究月刊,137,5-15。 延伸查詢 | 8. | Altbach, P. 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