

作者(外文):Gai, Che-sheng
主題關鍵詞:高等教育高學費高補助經濟隔離Higher educationHigh tuitionHigh financing aidEconomic segregation
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American universities, public and private, have raised their tuition fees to reflect educational costs and improve quality; however, this has affected the educational opportunity for students from disadvantaged families. In order to put an end to such inequity, federal and state governments as well as higher education institutions have adopted a high tuition-high aid policy. Yet this study finds that: 1) a high tuition-high aid policy has provided higher education institutions an excuse to raise their tuition fees; 2) although a high tuition-high aid policy has benefited some students, governments need to consider other options to terminate the economic segregation that still exists; 3) the beneficiaries of the high tuition-high aid policy are mostly from middle class or above families; 4) there is a tendency for high tuition-high aid policy to turn into high tuitionhigh loan. By also exploring the higher education policy in Taiwan, this paper finds that although Taiwan does not have a high tuition problem, improvements need to be made regarding the equity, efficiency and distribution of financing aid.
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