

作者(外文):Liu, Su-I
主題關鍵詞:協作夥伴公私協力紮根理論collaborative partnerspublic-private partnershipgrounded theory
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Purposes: To understand the overview of the bidding and handling of the 2017 World Universiade and the 2017 World Universiade Conference, and to delve into the inter-governmental governance and collaboration of the 2017 FISU World Conference. Methods: This study conducted the research method of purchasing quality, and used the literature analysis method to sort out and reflect on the current theory of inter-governmental governance and collaboration, and then supplemented by in-depth interviews to obtain the opinions and trends of the various actors. To portray the complete international sports governance network model. The empirical research emphasizes the reliability and validity of the research. This study is based on the comparison of the questionnaire results of the 2017 World Games summary report, the peer check and the external expert validity to construct the reliability of the study, and the theoretical construction research through the grounded theory. Results: First, the results of the cooperation between the public and public sectors, the public and private sectors; Second, the impact of cross-strait relations on sports diplomacy; the overview of the bidding and handling period of the 2017 World Universiade seminar. 3. To sort out the inter-governmental governance and collaboration of the 2017 FISU World Conference, it includes dilemmas and strategies for handling large-scale international events, vertical inter-provincial connections and operational relationships, horizontal collaboration partners, and operational relationships. Conclusion: In addition to the absorption of professional opinions across organizational units, inter-governmental governance and
collaborative partnerships should also establish a competitive and cooperative think tank environment. In addition to the demonstration of inter-governmental governance, the World Grand Canal also shows the mode of cooperation between partners.
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