

作者(外文):Shu-Jen Kao
主題關鍵詞:平等權平等原則可比較性審查基準審查密度衡量模式EqualityJudicial ReviewStandards of ScrutinyBalancingDiscretion
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在平等權之基本概念部分,本文首先從平等權的歷史與法哲學考察為起點,並綜覽國際人權憲章,與世界各國關於平等權規範;再就我國憲法中平等條款做一法釋義學的論述。其次,在平等權的司法實務考察中,從我國解嚴後平等權解釋的歷史軌跡,探循關於平等權解釋的權利類型與解釋方法的歷史脈絡,並且具體歸納出平等權保障的不同功能類型;同時,亦可發現平等權在司法審查所無可迴避的抗多數困境中,扮演具有重要性與突破性的角色。從比較法的觀點,我們可以發現,美國聯邦最高法院對於平等權的審查,透過依據差別待遇所根據不同的項目決定寬嚴不同的審查基準,維持著多層次審查的穩健道路。日本在某些違憲審查事件也傾向採取雙重標凖。德國則逐漸擺脫以往安於恣意禁止原則的寬鬆審查,聯邦憲法法院自一九八0 年以來發展出的新公式則有轉趨嚴格的傾向。至於我國大法官會議的解釋,過去一向囿於簡約保守而吝於說理;然而近年來的發展,在平等權的操作上則不乏具代表性的相關論述。本文試圖在既有實務案例與研究基礎上,揭開平等權的真實面紗,在兼具本土化色彩與國際化視野之匯流中,建構一套可資操作、可供預測的平等權理論與衡量模式。
The Right of Equality in Judicial Review--- with Comparative Perspective
The basis of all the human rights , we may say , is the right of Equality while Judicial Review offers the last resort of Equality-protection. The study of Equality in Judicial Review is, in brief, to find the fairness as the
substantive justice, with which people obtain the equal protection of law.
According to the modern Constitutionalism, people, on the one hand, endow their nation with power and, on the other hand, the people’s constitutional rights shouldn’t be arbitrarily restricted and infringed by the government authorities--the Administrative, the Legislative as well as
the Judicial power. If necessary, any separation and categorization made by laws must be rationally based under the principle of substantive equality. To abide by the Constitutionalism, to maintain personal dignity and to realize the equal protection of laws, the government
constitutionally and legally exists therefore.
After reviewing constitutional interpretations rendered by the council of Grand Justices, the function-oriented classification of Equality followed --the right to defend, to acquire benefits, to be patronized and to advocate institutional or procedural guarantee, etc. With the perspective of comparative law, focuses on standards of scrutiny and balancing test of Equality rights in the Judicial Review lately practiced, which bear much
significance of this dissertation, might help provide a practical and theoretical basis for further study about Equality and especially for imposing on the state obligations to actively realize the protection of
constitutional rights.
Key words:
Equality, Judicial Review, Standards of Scrutiny, Balancing, Discretion.
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BVerfGE 120, 1, (Abfärberegelung, 2008)
BVerfGE 103, 271, (Pflegeversicherung IV, 2001)
BVerfGE 103, 172, (Altersgrenze für Kassenärzte, 2001)
BVerfGE 102, 41, (Kriegsbeschädigtengrundrente, 2000)
BVerfGE 99, 341, (Testierausschluß Taubstummer, 1999)
BVerfGE 90, 145, (Cannabis, 1994)
BVerfGE 50,290, 333, (Mitbestimmungsurteil, 1979)
BVerfGE 49, 148, (1978)
BVerfGE 39, 1. (SchwangerschaftsabbruchⅠ, 1975)
BVerfGE 35, 202, (Lebach,1973)
BVerfGE 20, 162, (Spiegel, 1966)
BVerfGE 8, 51, (1. Parteispenden-Urteil, 1958)
BVerfGE 7, 377, (Apothekenurteil, 1958)
BVerfGE 7, 198, (Lüth-Urteil, 1958)
BVerfGE 2, 336, (Armenanwalt, 1953)
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