

作者(外文):Lin, Wushi
主題關鍵詞:紫柏真可禪教關係脈絡化文化本質主義宗教經驗修辭Zibo ZhenkeThe relationship between Chan and doctrineContextualizationCultural essentialismThe rhetoric of religious experience
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1. 書評:胡其瑞(Hu, Chijui),《中國西南苗族基督徒與國家(1900~1960)》(Identity, Nationality, and Modernity: The Hmong People's Journey towards Christianity in South-West China, 1900~1960) (新北市:臺灣基督教文藝,2022)
2. 書評:周偉馳(Zhou, Wei Chi),《太平天國與基督教研究資料選編》(Selected Research Material of Taiping Rebellion and Christianity) (北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2021)
3. Book Review: Chow, Christie Chui-Shan (周翠珊), «Schism: Seventh-day Adventism in Post-Denominational China» (分裂:後宗派時期中國的基督復臨安息日會) (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2021)
4. 書評:Shagan, Ethan H. (沙甘),«The Birth of Modern Belief: Faith and Judgment from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment» (現代信仰的誕生:從中世紀到啟蒙運動的信仰與判斷) (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2018)
5. 書評:Thatamanil, John J. (約翰.塔馬尼爾),«Circling the Elephant: A Comparative Theology of Religious Diversity» (環行於大象:一個宗教多樣的比較神學) (New York: Fordham University Press, 2020)
6. 書評:沈艾娣(Harrison, Henrietta);郭偉全譯,《傳教士的詛咒:一個華北村莊的全球史》(The Missionary's Curse and Other Tales from a Chinese Catholic Village) (香港:香港中文大學出版社,2021)
7. 罪與邊界:明末清初天主教的罪論及其社會意義
8. Timidity and Safety in Philippians 3:1
9. 介紹一篇出土文獻中的孔子論政類文章--《上博二.從政》
10. 章黃衍脈,道南傳學--高明先生人格風範與學術成就
11. 變動時代的經學家--杜鋼百經學研究述評
12. 《詩經.曹風》的動物意象及其美刺意味
13. 《大學》融入經典閱讀教學析論
14. 隱與不隱--以《論語》為中心
15. 求那跋摩(367~431)遺偈之「唯佛能證知,那波阿毘曇,說五因緣果」試解
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