

作者(外文):Chiu, Wen-hao
主題關鍵詞:梁啟超江蘇省教育會學衡派北洋政府Liang Qi ChaoJiangsu Provincia Education AssociationXueheng SchoolBeiyang government
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Liang Qi Chao (梁啟超) is a popular research subject in modern Chinese history. However, as most works on him centered around into his life before 1918, on the so-called his early intellectual development period , including the Reform Movement of 1898, the Revolution of 1911, and the time when he was in the office of the Beiyang (北洋) government, the present article stresses his life after the 1920s, including his resignation from the government and his return from Europe, the period which scholars have usually regarded as the second or last episode of his career, when he transformed himself from being mainly a politician to that more purely of a scholar. Based on the studies that have unveiled Liang's persisting aspirations for politics even before the 1920s, this paper first explores the contradictory image left after Liang's death that he had been ”non-political” before the 1920s, and his new understanding of ”politics” in order to prove that Liang in fact subjectively ”did not ever forget about politics” throughout his life. Secondly, based on the studies showing that Liang went to Southern China seeking cooperation with local intellectuals, this paper further discusses Liang's contact with the Jiangsu Provincial Education Association (江蘇省教育會) and his teaching at Dongnan University (東南大學). Although Liang cooperated well with Jiangsu Provincial Education Association on account of their sharing similar ideas and values, he however got involved in the power struggle between the association and the Xueheng School (學衡派) of the KMT. Even worse to Liang was that he was seen as one of the members of the ”Cultural heritage restoration.” As a result, Liang's Southern activities ended up in failure. After having given up his activities and returning to Northern China, Liang still kept contact with the Beiyang government and remained its primary candidate for major positions, such as the Chancellor of Peking University. Even though he did not realize his chancellorship eventually, it is reasonable to suggest from this ”never had happened” matter that Liang's active attitude to politics was clear and his close relationship with the Beyang government beyond doubt.
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