

作者:龔義昭 引用關係
作者(外文):Gong, Yih-Jau
主題關鍵詞:否定等待美學自我技術尼采馬庫色阿多諾傅科negativeaesthetics of waitingtechnologies of the selfNietzscheMarcuseAdornoFoucault
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第一章 導論
第二章 何謂現況?
第三章 自由與心靈科學
第四章 藝術意志及其不滿
第五章 否定與承認的辯證法
第六章 悲劇英雄的辯證法
第七章 失敗或等待的美學
第八章 死亡烏托邦或臨時的生存
第九章 倫理的或美學的自我技術
第十章 結論
The purpose of this thesis is to make a personal and experiential examination of the following questions relating to the theory and practice of modern art: Who is this person creating art? Who is this person discussing art? In what place, in what situation, in what manner, and with what sort of language does this person proclaim the whys and wherefores of art? In a creative culture characterized by rebellion, novelty, innovation, uniqueness, change, and surprise, just where are the boundaries of the language of negation and an ethic of creativity which takes scholarly negation as an approach to teaching art? In such an approach, just what is the basis for self-evaluation? Furthermore, what is the price to be paid for this sort of subjectivity? What currency and mode of exchange are employed? And who decides? Finally, what is the relationship between those who adopt this orientation and model of truth? This thesis also examines the questions of subjective autonomy in modernity; how to advance in a capitalist milieu characterized by a dialectic of creation and deconstruction; lifestyles which address the issues of cultural adaptation and well being; the abstraction and concretization of life; and the ethics of individual creativity.
參 考 文 獻

中 文 著 作

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中 文 期 刊

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外文 期 刊

Michael Parmentier. Anmerkungen zum Ich-Begriff der Frühromantik. Sonderdruck zur Zs. f. Bildung und Erziehung, Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 46. Jg. Heft 2 / Juni 1993.
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