

作者:郭丁熒 引用關係
作者(外文):Guo, Ding-ying
主題關鍵詞:角色知覺角色夥伴高中學生角色Role perceptionRole partnerSenior-high-schoolStudent role
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本研究旨在探討高中生及其角色夥伴所知覺的高中學生理想角色、實際角色,討論角色知覺差距,並分析不同背景樣本的差異。根據文獻探討編製「高中學生角色知覺量表」,經七位專家審查,並以582位樣本進行預試,形成正式量表,再以1,509位樣本進行調查。調查資料以SPSS for Windows 21.0套裝軟體的次數分配、單因子多變項分析、薛費事後多重比較分析法進行資料處理與分析。本研究發現:一、國人對高中生理想角色有頗高期望,尤其是素養陶冶與德行養成。二、國人對高中生實際角色知覺為中高或中低程度,以自我形塑最高、職業準備最低。三、雖然國人實際角色知覺不及理想角色知覺,但差距為中低程度。四、高中生較重視素養陶冶與職業準備、有較高的實際角色知覺、較小的角色知覺差距;角色夥伴則重視自我形塑和德行養成、有較低的實際角色知覺、較大的角色知覺差距。五、女性對高中生角色期望高,實際角色知覺低,角色知覺差距大。六、居住鄉村者較重視德行養成。
This study investigates senior-high-school students’ ideal role, actual role, and role discrepancy that senior-high-school students and their role partners perceived. The differences in the ideal role, actual role and role discrepancy among the perceptions of subjects who have different backgrounds are also explored. Based on a review of related literature, a protocol of “Senior-high-school Students’ Role Perception Inventory” was constructed, which was then reviewed by seven experts. A pretest using this protocol was given to 582 subjects, and this protocol was subsequently modified to form the inventory of this study. This inventory was used in a further survey investigation in which 1509 subjects participated. The investigated data were statistically analyzed through frequency distribution, MONOVA, and a Scheffé Post Hoc Test using SPSS for Windows 21.0 as software. The findings of this study are summarized as follows. 1. Taiwanese had high expectations of senior-high-school students’ ideal role, especially with respect to literacy cultivation and moral development. 2. Regarding the actual-role perception, however, medium-high or medium-low was observed, with the perception of self-construction being the highest and that of occupation training the lowest. 3. Although the actual-role perception was lower than the ideal-role perception, the discrepancy between them was medium low. 4. Senior-high-school students emphasized literacy cultivation and occupation training, and they had higher actual-role perception and smaller role-perception discrepancy. On the other hand, the role partners focused on self-construction and moral development, and they had lower actual-role perception and greater role-perception discrepancy. 5. Females had higher expectations of senior-high-school students’ role, but they had lower actual-role perception and larger role-perception discrepancy. 6. People who lived in the countryside cared more about moral development.
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