

題名:明清時期寡婦守節的風氣--理性選擇(rational choice)的問題
作者:張彬村 引用關係
作者(外文):Chang, Pin-tsun
主題關鍵詞:寡婦守節收繼婚旌表WindowChastityLevirate marriageInsignia
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     從先秦到宋代,中國的寡婦通常會再嫁,守節不嫁只是少數的例外。相反地,在明 清時代,寡婦通常會儘量去守節,再嫁會廣受社會的歧視。這篇文章從制度的角度來觀察這 個差異,認為明清時代的寡婦普遍會守節,就像前此寡婦普遍會再嫁一樣,是一種理性的選 擇。在元代由於蒙古統治者把他們的婚制強加在漢人社會上,使得寡婦的權利幾乎完全從寡 婦以及她的本生家族流失掉,轉移到夫家手中。除了某些調整,明清時代的婚制大體沿襲蒙 元的規定,守節因而成為符合寡婦利益的最適選擇。社會和人文環境的某些變化使得明清時 代的寡婦更容易守節和更難以再嫁。這篇論文也努力檢討了這些變化。
     From ancient times to Sung dynasty (960-1279) remarriage was common among Chinese widows. In Ming-Ch'ing times (1368-1911), however, widows widely followed the rule of chastity to refrain from a second marriage. This paper argues from the institutional perspective that, just like their counterparts in previous ages who preferred to remarry themselves if they had survived their husbands, the chaste widows in Ming-Ch'ing China who consciously endured their hardship of widowhood made a rational choice to maximize their interest. The difference in choice was a result of changes in marital institution brought about under the Mongol rule of Yuan dynasty (1279-1368). In addition, several elements appearing in the social environments of Ming-Ch'ing times made widowhood more feasible and remarriage more difficult. The combined effects tended to sustain a cult of widow chastity for about six centuries which comprise a unique epoch in Chinese history.
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