

作者:廖洲棚 引用關係
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1.廖洲棚(20110800)。公民社會中的官僚回應困境:理性選擇的觀點。空大行政學報,22,279-307。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.Piotrowski, Suzanne J.、Rosenbloom, David H.(2002)。Nonmission-Based Values in Results-Oriented Public Management: The Case of Freedom of Information。Public Administration Review,62(6),643-657。  new window
3.蘇偉業(20120900)。南轅北轍的議題與路徑:政治轉型下臺灣與香港文官中立機制之比較。公共行政學報,43,35-62。new window  延伸查詢new window
4.杜文苓、李翰林(20110600)。環境資訊公開的民主實踐課題--以霄裡溪光電廢水汙染爭議為例。臺灣民主,8(2),59-98。new window  延伸查詢new window
5.Kearney, Richard C.、Sinha, Chandan(1988)。Professionalism and Bureaucratic Responsiveness: Conflict or Compatibility?。Public Administration Review,48(1),571-579。  new window
6.Yang, Kaifeng(2005)。Public Administrators' Trust in Citizens: A Missing Link in Citizen Involvement Efforts。Public Administration Review,65(3),273-285。  new window
7.陳敦源、黃東益、蕭乃沂(20010900)。資訊與民主--臺灣立法機關網站政治溝通功能之評估。理論與政策,15(3)=59,19-60。new window  延伸查詢new window
8.Hammond, Thomas H.、Miller, Gary J.(1985)。A Social Choice Perspective on Expertise and Authority in Bureaucracy。American Journal of Political Science,29(1),1-28。  new window
9.Kirlin, John J.(1996)。The Big Questions of Public Administration in a Democracy。Public Administration Review,56(5),416-423。  new window
10.陳美伶(20050600)。現行政府資訊公開法制及其落實。研考雙月刊,29(3)=247,20-29。  延伸查詢new window
11.蔡允棟(20011200)。官僚組織回應力之研究--個案實證分析。政治科學論叢,15,209-240。new window  延伸查詢new window
12.王光旭、陳敦源(20100600)。政務領導、國會監督與官僚自主:臺灣全民健保政策「否決者」之研究,1986~2004。行政暨政策學報,50,107-157。new window  延伸查詢new window
13.Hobolt, Sara Binzer、Klemmemsen, Robert(2005)。Responsive Government? Public Opinion and Government Policy Preferences in Britain and Denmark。Political Studies,53(2),379-402。  new window
14.Johnson, R. B.、Onwuegbuzie, A. J.(2004)。Mixed Methods Research:A Research Paradigm Whose Time Has Come。Educational Researcher,33(7),14-26。  new window
15.Lee, Allen S.(1991)。Integrating Positivist and Interpretive Approaches to Organizational Research。Organization science,2(4),342-365。  new window
16.Holden, Matthew Jr.(1966)。"Imperialism" in Bureaucracy。The American Political Science Review,60(4),943-951。  new window
17.Miller, G. J.(1977)。Bureaucratic Compliance as a Game on the Unit Square。Public Choice,29(1),37-51。  new window
18.Moe, T. M.(2006)。Political Control and the Power of the Agent。The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization,22(1),1-29。  new window
19.Perry, James L.、Wise, Lois Recascino(1990)。The Motivational Bases of Public Service。Public Administration Review,50(3),367-373。  new window
20.Gerbner, G.(1956)。Toward a general model of communication。Audio visual communication review,4(3),171-199。  new window
21.余致力(20000900)。民意與公共政策:表達方式的釐清與因果關係的探究。中國行政評論,9(4),81-110。new window  延伸查詢new window
22.宋餘俠、黃子華(20091000)。優質公共治理與提升政府效能。研考雙月刊,33(5)=273,18-28。  延伸查詢new window
23.King, Cheryl S.、Feltey, Kathryn M.、Susel, Bridget O.(1998)。The question of participation: Toward authentic public participation in public administration。Public Administration Review,58(4),317-326。  new window
24.彭錦鵬(20020600)。政治行政之虛擬分際--由「兩分說」到「理想型」。政治科學論叢,16,89-118。new window  延伸查詢new window
25.Vandenabeele, W.、Brewer, G. A.、Ritz, A.(2014)。Past, present, and future of public service motivation research。Public Administration,92(4),779-789。  new window
26.王光旭(20120600)。文官政治認知是否與行政中立行為衝突?2008年臺灣政府文官調查的初探性分析。政治科學論叢,52,117-170。new window  延伸查詢new window
27.Bryer, Thomas A.(2007)。Toward a relevant agenda for a responsive public administration。Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,17(3),479-500。  new window
28.Kaufman, Herbert(1956)。Emerging Conflicts in the Doctrines of Public Administration。The American Political Science Review,50(4),1057-1073。  new window
29.Meier, Kenneth J.(1997)。Bureaucracy and Democracy: The Case for More Bureaucracy and Less Democracy。Public Administration Review,57(3),193-199。  new window
30.Miller, Gary J.(2000)。Above Politics: Credible Commitment and Efficiency in the Design of Public Agencies。Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,10(2),289-327。  new window
31.李世德(20091000)。政府資訊公開法施行之成效、檢討與展望。研考雙月刊,33(5)=273,88-93。  延伸查詢new window
32.陳宜和(20060600)。我國實施行政資訊公開之成效評估研究。研考雙月刊,30(3)=253,86-98。  延伸查詢new window
33.Carpenter, J.、Doverspike, D.、Miguel, R. F.(2012)。Public service motivation as a predictor of attraction to the public sector。Journal of Vocational Behavior,80(2),509-523。  new window
34.Perry, J. L.、Vandenabeele, W.(2015)。Public service motivation research: Achievements, challenges, and future directions。Public Administration Review,75(5),692-699。  new window
35.施能傑(20040600)。公共服務倫理的理論架構與規範作法。政治科學論叢,20,103-139。new window  延伸查詢new window
36.蔡允棟(20010300)。官僚組織回應的概念建構評析--新治理的觀點。中國行政評論,10(2),89-134。new window  延伸查詢new window
37.Glaser, Mark A.、Denhardt, Robert B.(2000)。Local Government Performance through the Eyes of Citizens。Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management,12(1),49-73。  new window
38.Piotrowski, S. J.、Zhang, Y.、Lin, W.、Yu, W.(2009)。Key Issues for Implementation of Chinese Open Government Information Regulations。Public Administration Review,69(s1),129-135。  new window
39.Arnstein, Sherry R.(1969)。A ladder of citizen participation。Journal of the American Institute of Planners,35(4),216-224。  new window
40.Florini, A. M.(2002)。Increasing transparency in government。International Journal on World Peace,19(3),3-37。  new window
41.曾冠球(20130900)。確保公共官僚組織成為民主的守護神。公共行政學報,45,109-119。new window  延伸查詢new window
42.Saltzstein, Grace Hall(1992)。Bureaucratic Responsiveness: Conceptual Issues and Current Research。Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,2(1),63-88。  new window
43.陳敦源、黃東益、蕭乃沂、郭思禹(20060600)。官僚回應性與內部顧客關係管理:臺北市政府市長信箱個案研究。行政暨政策學報,42,143-182。new window  延伸查詢new window
44.許立一(19951200)。文官行政中立--困境的檢視與概念的新詮。行政學報,26,31-47。new window  延伸查詢new window
45.陳德禹(1994)。行政中立的理念與實踐。銓敘與公保,3(9),21-24。  延伸查詢new window
46.廖洲棚、陳敦源、廖興中(20130100)。揭開地方文官回應民意的「秘箱」:臺灣六都1999熱線的質化分析。文官制度季刊,5(1),49-84。new window  延伸查詢new window
47.鄭敏惠、莊文忠(20130400)。民意認知、媒體報導與政府統計的一致與分歧之探究:以2010 年大臺南市三合一選舉為例。調查研究,29,37-79。new window  延伸查詢new window
48.蕭乃沂(20040300)。公民關係管理與政策問題建構:以民意電子信箱為起點。國家政策季刊,3(1),155-174。  延伸查詢new window
49.龍應台(2016)。公雞可以作市長。天下雜誌,596。  延伸查詢new window
50.蘇彩足(20130300)。我國公共治理之挑戰與因應。公共治理季刊,1(1),52-60。  延伸查詢new window
51.Andersen, L. B.、Pedersen, L. H.(2012)。Public Service Motivation and Professionalism。International Journal of Public Administration,35,46-57。  new window
52.Andersen, L. B.、Kristensen, N.、Pedersen, L. H.(2013)。Models of Public Service Provision--When Will Knights and Knaves be Responsive to Pawns and Queens?。International Journal of Public Administration,36,126-136。  new window
53.Balla, S. J.(2000)。Political and Organizational Determinants of Bureaucratic Responsiveness。American Politics Quarterly,28(2),163-193。  new window
54.Blumler, J. G.、Kavanagh, D.(1999)。The Third Age of Political Communication: Influence and Feature。Political Communication,16(3),209-230。  new window
55.Bryer, T. A.、Cooper, T. L.(2007)。Challenges in Enhancing Responsiveness in Neighborhood Governance。Public Performance & Management Review,31(2),191-214。  new window
56.Gailmard, Sean、Patty, John W.(2007)。Slackers and Zealots: Civil Service, Policy Discretion, and Bureaucratic Expertise。American Journal of Political Science,51(4),873-889。  new window
57.Greene, K.(1982)。Municipal Administrators' Receptivity to Citizens' and Elected Officials' Contacts。Public Administration Review,42(4),346-353。  new window
58.Jacobs, L. R.、Burns, M.(2004)。The Second Face of the Public Presidency: Presidential Polling and the Shift from Policy to Personality Polling。Presidential Studies Quarterly,34(3),536-556。  new window
59.Kim, S.(2010)。Testing a Revised Measure of Public Service Motivation: Reflective versus Formative Specification。Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,21(3),521-546。  new window
60.Manring, N. J.(1994)。ADR and Administrative Responsiveness: Challenges for Public Administrators。Public Administration Review,54(2),197-203。  new window
61.Mazzoleni, G.、Schulz, W.(1999)。"Medialization" of Politics: A Challenge for Democracy?。Political Communication,16(3),247-261。  new window
62.Pasquier, M.、Villeneuve, J. P.(2007)。Organizational Barriers to Transparency: A Typology and Analysis of Organizational Behaviour Tending to Prevent or Restrict Access to Information。International Review of Administrative Sciences,73(1),147-162。  new window
63.Rubin, H. J.(1974)。Modes of Bureaucratic Communications: Examples from Thai Local Administration。The Sociological Quarterly,15(2),212-230。  new window
64.Kosack, Stephen、Fung, Archon(2014)。Does Transparency Improve Governance?。Annual Review of Political Science,17(1),65-87。  new window
65.Stivers, C.(1994)。The Listening Bureaucrats: Responsiveness in Public Administration。Public Administration Review,54(4),364-369。  new window
66.Thompson, J. W.(1996)。Employee Attitudes, Organizational, Performance, and Qualitative Factors Underlying Success。Journal of Business and Psychology,11(2),171-196。  new window
67.West, W. F.(2004)。Formal Procedures, Informal Processes, Accountability, and Responsiveness in Bureaucratic Policy Making: An Institutional Policy Analysis。Public Administration Review,64(1),66-80。  new window
68.Whitford, A. B.(2002)。Bureaucratic Discretion, Agency Structure, and Democratic Responsiveness: The Case of the United States Attorneys。Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,12(1),3-27。  new window
69.Yang, K.、Pandey, S. K.(2007)。Public Responsiveness of Government Organizations: Testing a Prelininary Model。Public Performance & Management Review,31(2),215-240。  new window
70.吳宗憲(20120900)。臺南市政府文官公共服務動機與工作滿意、工作努力意願之實證研究--以個人/組織配適度作為調節變項。公共行政學報,43,91-126。new window  延伸查詢new window
71.Behn, Robert D.(1995)。The Big Questions of Public Management。Public Administration Review,55(4),313-324。  new window
72.Brewer, Gene A.、Selden, Sally Coleman(1998)。Whistle Blowers in the Federal Civil Service: New Evidence of the Public Service Ethic。Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,8(3),413-439。  new window
73.Perry, James L.(1996)。Measuring Public Service Motivation: An Assessment of Construct Reliability and Validity。Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,6(1),5-22。  new window
74.余致力(20000100)。論公共行政在民主治理過程中的正當角色--黑堡宣言的內涵、定位與啟示。公共行政學報,4,1-29。new window  延伸查詢new window
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77.Brewer, Gene A.、Selden, Sally C.(2000)。Why elephants gallop: Assessing and predicting organizational performance in federal agencies。Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,10(4),685-712。  new window
78.Kim, Sang Mook(2005)。Individual-Level Factors and Organizational Performance in Government Organizations。Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,15(2),245-261。  new window
79.Naff, Katherine C.、Crum, John(1999)。Working for america: Does public service motivation make a difference?。Review of Public Personnel Administration,19(4),5-16。  new window
80.Perry, James L.(2000)。Bringing Society in: Toward a Theory of Public-Service Motivation。Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,10(2),471-488。  new window
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82.陳敦源(20090400)。透明之下的課責:臺灣民主治理中官民信任關係的重建基礎。文官制度季刊,1(2),21-55。new window  延伸查詢new window
83.陳敦源(20040300)。人民、專家與公共政策:民主理論下的「參與式知識管理」。國家政策季刊,3(1),99-133。  延伸查詢new window
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86.Yang, Kalfeng、Callahan, Kathe(2007)。Citizen involvement efforts and bureaucratic responsiveness: Participatory values, stakeholder pressures, and administrative practicality。Public Administration Review,67(2),249-264。  new window
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88.黃東益、蕭乃沂、陳敦源(20030900)。網際網路時代公民直接參與的機會與挑戰--臺北市「市長電子信箱」的個案研究。東吳政治學報,17,121-151。new window  延伸查詢new window
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1.鄭錫鍇、廖洲棚(2015)。大數據時代懶咖行動者的政策參與。2015年兩岸公共政策與民意論壇--〈公民參與與公共政策〉學術研討會。臺北。  延伸查詢new window
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2.陳敦源、蕭乃沂(2001)。臺北市政府接受人民施政意見反應機制之研究。  延伸查詢new window
3.廖洲棚、陳敦源、廖興中(2012)。回應性政府的最後一哩路:政府公民關係管理資料加値應用之研究。  延伸查詢new window
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