

作者:黃月純 引用關係
作者(外文):Huang Yueh-Chun
主題關鍵詞:社區學院創新聯盟學習型社區學院League for Innovation in the Community Collegethe learning college
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美國社區學院是成人高等教育的獨特設計,發展至今已有百年歷史。全美目前約有一千二百所社區學院,佔所有高等教育機構的半數,以及超過百分之五十的高等教育學生曾經接受社區學院教育,幾已構成龐大的社區型高等教育服務體系。邁入新世紀,美國社區學院教育亟思變革,以因應社會與經濟的變遷。「學習型社區學院」即是美國社區學院轉型的重要指標之一。美國「社區學院創新聯盟」(League for Innovation in the Community College)是美國社區學院中頗負盛名的教育專業聯合組織,創立已三十四年並擁有七百五十所社區學院的加盟,服務對象超過三十萬的教師與教育者,以及總數約八百萬的學生。本研究即以創新聯盟所推動的「學習型社區學院方案」(The Learning College Project)為研究的主題與對象,主要的目的即在瞭解學習型社區學院的興起與發展,以及學習型社區學院方案的推行、實施與成效,及其所面臨的問題與挑戰,期能有助於我國教育組織發展為學習型組織之參考與借鏡。
研究者親赴美國應用實地訪談法,探討「學習型社區學院先鋒」(The Vanguard Learning College)之推行與實施方案的過程,以及所遭遇之問題與挑戰。為瞭解方案實施的成效,則應用問卷調查法來蒐集參與方案的十二所學習型社區學院方案團隊與非團隊成員的意見,以比較方案實施前後,社區學院所顯現之學習型社區學院內涵的程度變化與差異。
1. 學習型社區學院方案係透過「社區學院創新聯盟」教育專業組織來推動,它能夠聯合有志一同的社區學院共同合作以進行變革。
2. 學者專家的倡導與傳播,並能有效形成計畫加以推動,為「學習型社區學院」成為實際的主因。
3. 學習型社區學院方案的導入係透過多種管道,以鼓勵成員質疑舊有行為、態度與價值,並促進瞭解新的與不同的經驗或訊息,使成員為變革做好準備。
4. 領導者的支持為推行學習型社區學院方案的關鍵性條件。
5. 學習型社區學院方案的實施階段,係透過組織架構、人事與資源的調整、新的教學方法、策略與活動,以及產生信仰的改變等三項層面的變革與創新,來貫徹「學習型社區學院」的實踐。
6. 美國「社區學院創新聯盟」所推動的「學習型社區學院方案」已經顯示出成效。
7. 實踐「學習型社區學院方案」是一種組織全面變革的工作。
8. 發展學習型社區學院的問題,包括組織結構的限制、成員的消極態度、教師因應變革的能力與認知不足,以及欠缺評量內涵與工具等。
1. 應有效結合教育專業組織或團體的力量,進行教育組織的轉型與變革。
2. 教育組織轉型與創新作為的推動,應透過理論發展、觀念倡導,形成具體化策略與實施方針等步驟循序漸進。
3. 應透過多種管道進行教育組織變革與轉型方案的導入與實施。
4. 領導者宜具有正確的觀念並發揮引導作用來促成組織的改變。
5. 引導組織作全面的、深層的轉型與變革。
6. 建立組織成員接受改變的積極態度。
7. 加強教師因應變革的能力與認知。
8. 訂定評量學習型組織的內涵與發展評量工具。
1. 宜根據學習型組織的理論架構,進行教育組織變革之推展實例、學術洞見與啟示之探究。
2. 宜審慎評估進行國外教育研究的優勢與限制,包括:(1)選擇能夠促進國際學術交流之研究領域與主題;(2)選擇具應用價值與借鏡之研究主題;(3)注意選取研究對象之空間與時間限制;(4)考量研究工具的實施方式。
The Study of the Implementation of the Learning College Project by the League for Innovation in the Community College in the United States
Community colleges were designed uniquely as American adult higher education institutions with a 100-year history of development. There are currently more than one thousand and two hundreds community colleges, a share of about half of the total number of higher education institutions in the United States. More than 50% of the higher education students have registered in the community colleges, which have played an important part in American higher education system. Towards the new century, due to the increasingly rapid changes and economic and societal pressures, the community colleges have to adapt themselves and take innovation in order to cope with these changes and pressures. The learning college has emerged as one of the important transformation models for the community colleges. The League for Innovation in the Community College in the United States is one of the most dynamic organizations in the community college world. It was established for thirsty-four years with more than 750 member institutions of the League’s Alliance, and has served for more than 300,000 educators and 8-million students. The main aim of this study was to look at the Learning College Project implemented by the League for Innovation since 2002. The specific purposes of this study include an exploration of the backgrounds and developments of the learning college, the project formation, implementation and accountabilities, and the challenge facing the community colleges in the process of their becoming learning colleges.
The researcher carried out an interview with team members of the Vanguard Learning Colleges and the Project Director and relevant Staffs in the United States, so as to understand the process of the project formation, implementation and challenge concerned. For exploring the accountabilities of the Project, a questionnaire survey was conducted via the Internet, and copies of the questionnaire were sent to the 12 team-members and non-team-members of the Vanguard Learning Colleges for collecting their opinions on the differences of their colleges between before and after the Project implementation.
Based upon the interview and survey, eight conclusions and suggestions were drawn, and advice for conducting relevant researches aboard in the future was made as well.
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