

主題關鍵詞:靜覺自我修養成就動機自我調控學習量表發展Jing-Jyueself-cultivationachievement motivationself-regulated learningscale development
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Mindfulness has been widely spread in the West and been an emerging topic in adult learning. However, it only partly draws on Buddhism meditation technique and fails to present the whole nature of Buddhism meditation to some degree. To amend this gap, this study constructed a concept of Jing(tranquility, 靜)-Jyue(enlightenment, 覺) Cultivation(JJC) based on three traditional Chinese teachings (Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism) to fully represent the doctrines of meditation and Jing in Chinese Culture. The JJC could connect Chinese self-cultivation to western self-learning, and make a theoretical contribution to contemporary adult education from indigenous perspectives.
This study comprised three phases. First, I developed the concept of JJC through Chinese scriptures interpretation and The Mandala model of self. Continuously I constructed a JJC scale according to the literature review and experts’ opinions. Second, I tested the reliability and validity of JJC scale by conducting multiple statistical analysis techniques. Third, I explored the relationships between achievement motivation, JJC, and self-regulated learning of adult learners. Also, I investigated whether JJC could be a mediator between achievement motivation and self-regulated learning. The main findings of the present study were as follows.
1.JJC includes four dimensions: desire regulation, emotional stability, duty commitment, and altruistic caring.
2.A fist-order-four-factor oblique model was the best fit and with good reliability and validity.
3.JJC had a partial mediation effect between achievement motivation and self-regulated learning.
Based on the findings of this research, implications and suggestions for adult education practice and future research were provided.
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