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2. | 李宗派(20091200)。探討嬰兒潮之退休概念與其變遷趨勢。臺灣老人保健學刊,5(2),70-92。 延伸查詢 |
3. | Bode, C.、De Ridder, D. T. D.、Kuijer, R. G.、Bensing, J. M.(2007)。Effects of an intervention promoting proactive coping competencies in middle and late adulthood。The Gerontologist,47(1),42-51。 |
4. | Bar-Tur, L.、Levy-Shiff, R.、Burns, A.(1998)。Well-being in aging:Mental engagements in elderly men as a moderator of losses。Journal of Aging Studies,12(1),1-17。 |
5. | Lee, Y. H.、Hsieh, C. H.、Lu, C. Y.(2014)。The study of the correlation of proactive coping and retirement planning: An example of senior civil servants in Taiwan。International Science Index,8(6),1813-1816。 |
6. | 李雅慧、盧婧宜(20140600)。以學習觀點探究中高齡者之未來準備。福祉科技與服務管理學刊,2(1),17-26。 延伸查詢 |
7. | 林清壽、王文君(20130400)。中高齡者從事規律運動行為意向之研究。運動與健康研究,2(2),31-48。 延伸查詢 |
8. | Vo, K.、Forder, P. M.、Tavener, M.、Rodgers, B.、Banks, E.、Bauman, A.、Byles, J. E.(2015)。Retirement, age, gender and mental health: findings from the 45 and Up Study。Aging & Mental Health,19(7),647-657。 |
9. | 林麗惠(20121200)。活躍老化指標建構及其對老人教育政策之啟示。成人及終身教育學刊,19,77-111。 延伸查詢 |
10. | 俞聖姿、曾淑芬(20111000)。社區老人社會參與型態及其相關因素探討。臺灣高齡服務管理學刊,1(2),149-178。 延伸查詢 |
11. | Monette, M. L.(1977)。The concept of educational need: An analysis of selected literature。Adult Education,27(2),116-127。 |
12. | 陳宥霖、湯幸芬(20151200)。從活躍老化觀點建構休閒與健康之行動應用系統。旅遊健康學刊,14(1),15-37。 延伸查詢 |
13. | 林東龍、余嬪、陳武宗(20110600)。退休經驗的社會脈絡分析。臺灣社會福利學刊,9(2),39-90。 延伸查詢 |
14. | 李雅慧、魏惠娟(20151000)。活躍老化準備課程的教學成效:前瞻因應觀點的應用。教育研究學報,49(2),1-18。 延伸查詢 |
15. | 林逸茜、袁宇熙、高曼婷(20180200)。因應少子化高等教育人力資本之運用--退場大學教師轉銜安置機制之芻議。臺灣教育評論月刊,7(2),132-147。 延伸查詢 |
16. | 姜麗娟(20171200)。國內大學專任教師人才特性現況之研究:以洋土博士之進用、系出國外大學名校及學術近親繁殖為例。高等教育,12(2),1-39。 延伸查詢 |
17. | 高宜凡(2014)。退休年齡比法定早7.5年,軍公教最滿意退休生活。遠見雜誌,338。 延伸查詢 |
18. | 梁明皓(20120800)。退休男性社會角色的轉變:您是退休宅男嗎?。性別平等教育季刊,59,23-28。 延伸查詢 |
19. | 滕淑芬(2016)。不論幾歲現在就開始你的退休進行式。遠見雜誌。 延伸查詢 |
20. | 劉曉芬、張嘉育(20180200)。從教與學學術研究(SoTL)觀點探討臺灣大學教師教學升等之深化。教育研究月刊,286,65-87。 延伸查詢 |
21. | 魏惠娟(20171100)。學校教育工作者的樂齡生涯準備:開創活躍老化的下半場人生。教育研究月刊,283,28-40。 延伸查詢 |
22. | Apouey, B. H.(2018)。Preparation for old age in France: The roles of preferences and expectations。The Journal of the Economics of Ageing,12,15-23。 |
23. | Cohen-Mansfield, J.、Regev, I.(2018)。Retirement preparation programs: An examination of retirement perceptions, self-mastery, and well-being。Research on Social Work Practice,28(4),428-437。 |
24. | Davis, L.、Brekke, J.(2014)。Social support and functional outcome in severe mental illness: The mediating role of proactive coping。Psychiatry Research,215(1),39-45。 |
25. | Hershey, D. A.、Henkens, K.(2013)。Impact of different types of retirement transitions on perceived satisfaction with life。The Gerontologist,54(2),232-244。 |
26. | Kojola, E.、Moen, P.(2016)。No more lock-step retirement: Boomers' shifting meanings of work and retirement。Journal of Aging Studies,36,59-70。 |
27. | Lee, Y.-H.、Lu, C.-Y.、Wei, H.-C.(2014)。The relation between proactive coping and well-being: An example of middle-aged and older learners from Taiwan。International Science Index,8(6),137-141。 |
28. | Mänty, M.、Kouvonen, A.、Lallukka, T.、Lahti, J.、Lahelma, E.、Rahkonen, O.(2018)。Changes in physical and mental health functioning during retirement transition: A register-linkage follow-up study。European Journal of Public Health,28(5),805-809。 |
29. | Nansubuga, F.(2018)。The role of self-efficacy in explaining psychological and financial preparation for retirement: A behavioural study of retirement transitioning in Uganda。Journal of Adult Development,25(4),297-308。 |
30. | Olowodunoye, S. A.、Giwa, O. A.、Fausi, R. O.(2017)。Influence of proactive coping ability and organizational support on work demand in Ondo State, Nigeria。IFE PsychologIA: An International Journal,25(1),556-568。 |
31. | Pothisiri, W.、Quashie, N. T.(2018)。Preparations for old age and well-being in later life in Thailand: Gender matters?。Journal of Applied Gerontology,37(6),783-810。 |
32. | Rus, I.(2012)。Life cycle and psycho-social characteristics of unemployed adults。Salud Mental,35(3),225-230。 |
33. | Silver, C. B.(2003)。Gendered identities in old age: Toward (de) gendering?。Journal of Aging Studies,17(4),379-397。 |
34. | Stiglbauer, B.、Batinic, B.(2015)。Proactive coping with job insecurity: Is it always beneficial to well-being?。Work & Stress,29(3),264-285。 |
35. | Thanakwang, K.、Ingersoll-Dayton, B.、Soonthorndhada, K.(2012)。The relationships among family, friends, and psychological well-being for Thai elderly。Aging & Mental Health,16(8),993-1003。 |
36. | 魏惠娟、陳冠良、李雅慧(20140600)。活躍老化高齡教育課程架構與評析:規範性需求的觀點。中正教育研究,13(1),45-87。 延伸查詢 |
37. | Greenglass, Esther R.、Fiksenbaum, Lisa(2009)。Proactive coping, positive affect, and well-being: Testing for mediation using path analysis。European psychologist,14(1),29-39。 |
38. | Ouwehand, Carolijn、de Ridder, Denise T. D.、Bensing, Jozien M.(2009)。Who can afford to look to the future? The relationship between socio-economic status and proactive coping。European Journal of Public Health,19(4),412-417。 |