

作者:許境頤 引用關係詹介云
作者(外文):Shu, Chin-yiJhan, Jie-yun
主題關鍵詞:情緒勞務威權領導風格情緒耗竭敬業貢獻個人傳統性Emotional laborAuthoritarian leadershipEmotional exhaustionWork engagementIndividual traditionality
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本研究以情緒調節模型(Grandey, 2000)探討直屬主管的威權領導風格對部屬所採的情緒勞務策略及其後續工作態度的影響。此外,本研究亦認為,部屬個人傳統性具調節部屬表層演出與深層演出之情緒勞務策略採用的效果。本研究以台北地區某家公立醫院之286位在職且有直屬主管之員工為發放對象。研究結果證實表層演出與深層演出對威權領導風格與部屬工作態度的中介效果,威權領導風格使部屬傾向採取表層演出進而導致情緒耗竭,也會使部屬較少採用深層演出策略而使得其敬業貢獻較不會產生。不過,本研究亦發現,部屬的個人傳統性會增加其在面對威權領導風格的主管時深層演出策略的採用,減少表層演出採用的情形。本研究結果不僅對於威權領導風格如何影響部屬的情緒勞務之問題,提供了可能的解釋,亦提供可能的因應和建議。
Base on the suggestion from Grandey (2000), individuals regulate their emotions through deep acting or surface acting which will affect their job attitude. The aim of this research is to investigate how individuals regulate their emotions when interacting with their authoritarian leader and its effect on their job attitude. A questionnaire survey was conducted in the greater Taipei area. Data was collected from 286 employees, working in public hospitals, who are under supervision from their direct supervisor. Findings of the research suggest that controlling the number of respondents interacting with their supervisors, authoritarian style of leadership enhances an employee's emotional labor of surface acting which would cause an employee's emotional exhaustion; however if an employee values one's traditionality then it would moderate the relationship between authoritarian leadership and surface acting. On the other hand, authoritarian style of leadership will less likely stimulate an employee's emotional labor of deep acting which would then lessen an employee's work engagement; however when employees values one's traditionality then it would moderate the relationship between authoritarian leadership and deep acting. This study not only offers possible explanation on how authoritarian leaders affect an employee's emotional labor and its effect on job attitude but also provides practical suggestions to organizations.
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