

作者(外文):Chin-Jui Chang
主題關鍵詞:社區參與災後重建社區培力政策認同社會資本community empowermentpolicy acceptancecommunity participationpost-disaster reconstructionsocial capital
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As the impact of natural disasters on residents’ living environment is extensive and continuous, how governments assist the recovery of local residents’ livelihood and living environment through post-disaster reconstruction plans is especially important. In recent years, most countries have adopted the concept of community participation in the implementation of post-disaster reconstruction. This concept emphasizes that the needs of local residents in hard and soft infrastructure shall be met after the reconstruction; more importantly, the concept is to increase individual participation in the organization of the stricken community. From residents’ mobilization to the organization of the community, local residents initiate needs assessment and collaboration to participate in the task of community reconstruction. Taiwan’s two large-scaled post-disaster reconstruction plans for 921 Earthquake and Typhoon Morakot both adhered to the principle of community participation.
The study aimed to understand the post-disaster reconstruction process and strategies of 921 Earthquake and Typhoon Morakot. SEM was used as an instrument for analysis; participated residents’ policy acceptance, community empowerment, social capital, and community participation were analyzed to discover their correlations and verification of effects in terms of the implementation of community participation in post-disaster reconstruction.
Taiwan’s post-disaster reconstruction regulations shall be more complete; relevant budge and expenditure shall be compiled and monitored more rigorously. More extensive and accessible support for community and life reconstruction shall be available with consideration of residents’ original living habits; the assisting process shall be continuous and comprehensive instead of short-term, so that residents of the stricken area can continue to recover and live. The empowerment of Taiwan’s post-disaster reconstruction shall be considered as a long-term process; empowerment is a task involves long-term community planning rather than a contingency plan organized and formulated in the period of post-disaster reconstruction. The study discovered that community participation had the following functions: 1) arousing a sense of identity in the community; 2) increasing residents’ participation in the community; 3) enhancing community capacity; 4) building external networks and accessing resources and information. Communities reconstructed through community participation tended to be able to have continuous community development till the later period.
Regarding the verification of the implementation model of reconstruction through community participation, the study has verified the four hypotheses: 1) policy acceptance has a significant and positive influence on community empowerment; 2) community empowerment has a significant and positive influence on social capital; 3) social capital has a significant and positive influence on community participation, and 4) policy acceptance has a significant and positive influence on community participation. The verification of this model showed that the government’s future policy on post-disaster reconstruction through community participation shall include the mechanism of community empowerment, and it shall create or accumulate social capital through empowerment before further increase community participation in reconstruction matters. Empowerment shall be promoted continuously to facilitate the ongoing development of community. The policy stipulation process shall gain community acceptance, which will in turn increase community participation in reconstruction.
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