

題名:混齡教學與課程領導之研究- 一位偏鄉國小校長之觀點
主題關鍵詞:混齡教學自我敘說課程領導國小校長multi-grade teachingself-narrativecurriculum leadershipelementary school principal
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Based on a self-narrative approach, this paper focuses on the process, challenges, and results of implementing multi-grade classes teaching for a principal in a rural school. Data collection methods—including document analysis, classroom observations, and introspective notes from August 2015 to May 2019—allowed testing of the questions via triangulation to validate the results.
The theoretical basis of multi-grade classes teaching including Dewey theory of experimentalism dialectics, multiple intelligence Theory by Howard Gardner, zone of proximal development by Vygotsky, and differentiated instruction. Three major findings are emerged through dialectic of theories and practice. First, principals use various strategies of curriculum leadership in each stage of multi-grade classes teaching. Second, this paper highlighted the individual factors in theory and practical application of multi-grade teaching. Finally yet importantly, the curriculum leaders of multi-grade teaching should pay equal attention to development of curriculum and care for teachers.
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