

作者:陳月娥 引用關係
作者(外文):CHEN, YUEH-ER
主題關鍵詞:民族主義體育運動歷史社會學nationalismsporthistorical sociology
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This research examines modern history of sport in Taiwan with the notion of national identity and social change. In methodology, it adopts the perspective of Eric Hobsbawm to construct the framework and periodization of historical research based on sociological concepts. Accordingly, there are three stages of the development of sport in Taiwan during the period of colonialism (1895-1945); the period of authoritarianism(1945-1987); and the period of pluralism (1987- 2016). In order to figure out the relationship between national identity and the history of sport of Taiwan, this research will interpret all the materials from a historical sociological perspective.
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